Job Listings  

All, Algorithms(2), All areas(20), Applied Math/Optimization(1), Architecture(2), Architecture and embedded systems(2), Artificial Intelligence(12), Artificial intelligence and machine learning(4), Big Data(3), Big Data Analytics(2), Big Data Management(2) ...more...
---- list of jobs with employers beginning with N.
New York University, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
  1. [CSEVISITINGPROFESSOR] Visiting Professor (posted 2024/02/20)
  2. [CSETT] Tenure-Track Positions in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2024 (posted 2023/11/16)
Northeastern University, Center for Drug Discovery
  1. [ORP] Open Rank (Assistant, Associate or Full) Professor in Drug Discovery and Development with a Focus on Mental Health and Addiction (posted 2023/11/07)
Northeastern University, Khoury College of Computer Sciences
  1. [KCCSFP] Khoury College of Computer Science - Faculty Positions (posted 2023/11/06)
4554 0
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Ying Wu College of Computing
  1. [CSFAC24] Computer Science Faculty Positions (deadline 2023/12/31 11:59PM, posted 2023/09/26, updated 2023/09/13)
National Taiwan University, Computer Science and Information Engineering
  1. [NTUCSIE2024] NTU CSIE Faculty Positions (posted 2023/09/06)
National University of Singapore
  1. [POSTDOC] Postdoctoral/Research Fellow for Deep Learning Research (posted 2022/07/27, updated 2021/06/21)

(7 positions listed)