National University of Singapore, FASS-Asian Studies 2
Economics / Political Economy, ASEAN Regionalism
Religious Studies / Buddhist Studies, Comparative Religion, Comparative Religious Studies, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity
Science and Technology Studies / Science, Technology and Society
Digital Humanities / Digital and Media Studies

*** this position has been closed. ***
Position Description
Job Description
The National University of Singapore is seeking to fill a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor
in the Department of Southeast Asian Studies.
We are particularly interested in recruiting scholars who will enjoy the
opportunity of working collaboratively with colleagues from different
disciplines. The Department is the only Southeast Asian Studies department at a
world-class university located in Southeast Asia itself, a distinction that
provides faculty with unique research access as well as ensuring a highly
diverse student body.
We seek a scholar who
specialises in one or more of the following fields: digital and media studies (including digital humanities); science, technology, and society; economics
(particularly with a focus on the political economy, ASEAN regionalism and/or
China-Southeast Asia relations), and/or
religious studies. The disciplinary focus is broad, as we are particularly
interested in applicants whose research and teaching are multi- or inter-disciplinary.
Priority will be given to applicants with a regional focus on Mainland Southeast Asia or the Philippines. Candidates should have expertise in Southeast Asian languages relevant to their research.
The successful applicant will be expected to take up the
position by January 2025 at the earliest, or latest by August 2025.
Job Requirements
and Responsibilities
Candidates should show evidence of strong teaching and
publication records. In addition to teaching, the
successful applicant will be expected to supervise undergraduate and graduate
Interested applicants should submit an application
dossier consisting of the following:
- Cover letter explaining your interest in the position and how your qualifications and plans would contribute to the long-term development and enhancement of the Department of Southeast Asian Studies (maximum 2 pages)
- Up to date Curriculum vitae
- Concise statement of your research trajectory thus far and publication plans (maximum 2 pages)
- Concise statement of your teaching experience and interests, as well as possible courses you are able to offer that would enrich the teaching of the Department (maximum 2 pages)
- Evidence of teaching experience (course reviews, sample syllabi, teaching awards)
- A list of three referees, including the applicant’s main PhD supervisor/advisor (names, contact details and applicant’s relationship to them). Only referees of shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit reference letters.
should submit all application materials online via the NUS Careers Portal and addressed to:
Department of Southeast Asian Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
Candidates should submit all
application materials by 15
June 2024. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for a campus visit
from August 2024.
Other Information
will be internationally competitive and commensurate with qualifications and
experience. The successful candidate may also enjoy research funding, housing
benefits, relocation allowance, and other benefits depending on the type and
duration of appointment and citizenship.
talented early career candidates with excellent research track records may be
considered for the NUS Presidential Young Professorship (NUS PYP) award. For
further details, please refer to the NUS PYP website.
Contact for
candidates are welcome to get in touch with the Chair of the Search Committee
to answer any questions they may have at
We are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please apply at

- Contact: Chair, Search Committee
- Email:
- Postal Mail:
- Block AS8, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
- Web Page: