CTEQ Collaboration

Award ID:CTEQ-CTEQTUNG2021 [#18722]
Award Title: Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early Career Research on QCD
Award Type:Postdoctoral
Location:Various locations, United States
Subject Areas: High Energy Physics / Theoretical Particle Physics, Experiment
Appl Deadline:2021/09/15 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2021/05/31, finished 2023/03/18, private)

*** this award has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Sponsored by the CTEQ Collaboration and Michigan State University

Description: The Wu-Ki Tung award is to recognize outstanding contributions made by early-career physicists on experimental or theoretical research on Quantum Chromodynamics. The award is given annually and will consist of $5,000, a certificate citing the contributions of the recipient, and support for travel to a CTEQ Summer School to deliver an invited lecture.

Eligibility: Nominees must have received a Ph.D. in experimental or theoretical particle physics within the last seven years, excluding any career breaks, by the time of nomination.

Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is an important goal for CTEQ. Nominations of women and other members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.

Nomination & Selection Process: The nomination should include the following:

  • The nominee's curriculum vitae;
  • A list of the nominee’s most important publications;
  • A brief narrative of the nominee’s contributions to QCD research (up to 2 pages long);
  • A nomination letter and two letters of support from scientists familiar with the nominee’s work.

The nominator should upload all nomination materials here by September 15, 2021.

Nomination Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your nomination:
And anything else requested in the description.

Further Info:
email address
214 577 6899
Department of Physics
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0175