National Taiwan University, International College, and
National Taiwan University

5295 24688
Program ID:
National Taiwan University-International College-PROJECTFACULTYA [#24688]
Program Title: 
Project Faculty Position A on Master’s Program in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics National Taiwan University
Program Type:
Non tenure-track faculty
Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan
Subject Areas: 
Data Analytics/Health Service Researcher
Healthcare Management
Health Information Technology
Health Informatics or Bioinformatics (more...)
Starting Date:
Appl Deadline:
2023/09/03 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2023/04/12, finished 2024/03/09, listed until 2023/09/10)

*** this program has been closed. ***
The Master’s Program in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics (Smart MHI) at National Taiwan University invites applicants for one Project Faculty position (Assistant Professor or above), starting from February 1, 2024. A doctoral degree and capability of teaching in English are required. The successful candidate is expected to teach 16 hours per week and cover courses in the fields of Smart Medicine at both graduate and undergraduate levels.

Graduate courses have to be taught in English, and courses in “Natural Language Processing”, “Data Mining”, “Bioinformatics”, “IoT Technology”, “Cloud Computing”, “Hospital Information Management” etc. are preferred. Undergraduate courses are General Education courses and can be taught in English or Chinese.

* Documents required for application include: (1) Curriculum Vitae including nationality, date of birth, education background, a summary of expertise (within 250 words), current position, working experience, publication list, and the corresponding full-text papers from the past seven years (published after August 1, 2016)

(2) A cover letter indicating a commensurate position (Project Assistant, Project Associate, or Project Professor) to be applied and one designated representative paper. The representative paper should be published in international journals and published within the past five years (after August 1, 2018). For applicants applying as a Project Assistant Professor and who received their doctoral degree within the past three years (after August 1, 2020), their dissertation can be considered as the representative paper.

(3) Teaching plans (Please provide at least 4-course syllabus. Interdisciplinary co-lecturing is welcome.)

(4) Statement of past teaching experiences (5) Certificate of a doctoral degree (6) Three letters of recommendation (sent by the referees directly through email to: )

*Please send all the required documents (as PDFs) to the following Email address: (Subject: NTU Project Faculty A_Smart MHI_Applicant name). Thedeadline for receiving all documents is June 18th, 2023.

4. Website of Smart MHI:

Contact: Ms. Ting Chang (Email: , Tel: +886-2-3366-5712 ext. 10) Master’s Program in Smart Medicine and Health Informatics National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

We are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please
Contact: Ms. Ting Chang
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
7F, Zonghe Lecture Building, No.1, Sec.4 Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Web Page: