The Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (SITP) invites applications for postdoctoral fellows in all areas of condensed matter theory, broadly construed. We seek exceptional theorists who will flourish in, and contribute to, the highly interactive and collaborative research environment at Stanford. SITP Fellows will have wide latitude to set their independent research directions and to collaborate across multiple research groups and departments.
The research interests of the condensed matter faculty are broad, and include several key areas such as the theory of quantum materials, topological phases of matter, strongly correlated electron systems, high temperature superconductivity, quantum criticality, quantum field theory, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, quantum simulation, and topics at the interface of quantum information and many-body physics. The condensed matter theory group also enjoys dynamic interactions with Stanford’s Q-FARM initiative in quantum science and engineering.
Current faculty in the SITP condensed matter theory group include Trithep Devakul, Thomas Devereaux, Hong-Chen Jiang, Vedika Khemani, Steve Kivelson, Bob Laughlin, Xiaoliang Qi and Srinivas Raghu. Successful applicants are also encouraged to collaborate with the broader SITP theory group (which includes Adam Bouland, Daniel Fisher, Patrick Hayden, Steve Shenker, Douglas Stanford and Lenny Susskind), and with the large on-campus experimental efforts in condensed matter and quantum science.
The fellowship is expected to begin in Fall 2024 and includes three years of funding with a competitive salary and benefits, and discretionary funds to cover research and/or travel expenses.
Prospective candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, two-page outline of research interests, publication list, and arrange for three or four letters of reference to be sent electronically through Academic Jobs Online.
Application deadline: November 1, 2023.
Complementary programs: SITP postdoctoral applicants are also encouraged to apply to other Stanford fellowship programs , such as the QFarm Bloch Fellowship in Quantum Science and Engineering, Stanford Science Fellows and other SITP postdoctoral fellowships.