Nomination Form
Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early Career Research on QCD

Welcome! Please complete this form for the nomination. Your submission is successful only if you see the "Thank you for your nomination" screen right after submitting this form. Most unsubmitted textual data (NOT any file uploads you've selected below) in this form is saved automatically inside your web browser if possible. If you already have a nomination account, please don't fill out this form now, login and then continue. Current system time is Sun Sep 15 03:29:22 2024.

Please use this form to nominate yourself or another member for the Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early Career Research on QCD. The nomination period is from 2024/07/24 to 2024/09/30 11:59PM Eastern Time.

Please read the requirements and nomination guide for complete information about the process.

You may revisit this form at any time during the application period by logging in. After 2024/09/30 11:59PM, the application period will be closed and no further changes may be made.

Note on roles:
Nominator (yourself):
* required
* required

Complete mailing address:
* required
* required
* required
* required
Current institutional affiliation:

Nominee (data about the individual being nominated):
* required:
* required

Current institutional affiliation:
Complete mailing address:
* required
* required
* required
* required

Please select requested material(s) to be submitted online:
  1. :

  2. :

  3. :

  4. :

  5. :

  6. :

By submitting this form, you are nominating the individual ("Nominee") for the Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early Career Research on QCD. A selection process, and selection committee, are in place, and this is a competitive process which may or may not result in the Nominee being accepted for the Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early Career Research on QCD.

As the Nominator, you will be informed, via email, of any missing materials right after the submission. All qualifications must be met by close of business at 2024/09/30 11:59PM Eastern Time.

* requiredhelp popup