Job Listings  

Ohio State University, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology sort by distance

  1. [APBDS] Assistant Professor, Biodiversity Scientist
  2. [FAPC] Full/Associate Professor and Chair
  3. [MOBD] Musuem of Biodiversity Director

Ohio State University, Statistics sort by distance

  1. [OFSAAR] Open Faculty Search, Statistics: All Areas of Research
1191 0

Ohio State University, Microbiology sort by distance

  1. [APMB] Assistant Professor of Microbiology
1221 0

Ohio State University, Molecular Genetics sort by distance

  1. [APMG] Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics
  2. [APTP] Assistant Professor of Teaching Practice

Ohio State University, Physics sort by distance

  1. [AAPEEP] Assistant or Associate Professor in Experimental Electronics Physics
  2. [AAPITHEPA] Assistant or Associate Professor at the Intersection of Theoretical High Energy Physics and Astrophysics
  3. [AAPITNPA] Assistant or Associate Professor at the Intersection of Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
  4. [ABRTPCP] Andrei Baronov and Ratmir Timashev Professorship in Chemical Physics
  5. [FPCMTOES] Full Professor in Condensed Matter Theory, Ohio Eminent Scholar
2465 0

The Ohio State University, Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology sort by distance

  1. [BCPOFS] Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology Open Faculty Search (deadline 2024/12/01 11:59PM)

Miami University, Computer Science & Software Engineering sort by distance

  1. [ASSISTANTASSOCIATEPROFESSOR] Assistant/Associate Professor (2025/11/21 11:59PM)

Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physics sort by distance

  1. [CME2024] Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (deadline 2024/12/31 11:59PM)
  2. [PROFAI] Assistant Professor in AI (Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Social Sciences Focused) (deadline 2025/01/13 11:59PM)
84 0

University of Michigan, High Energy Theory and Cosmology Groups sort by distance

  1. [POSTDOC] UofM HET Postdoc (deadline 2024/12/31 11:59PM)

University of Kentucky, Department of Physics & Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [PDF] Postdoctoral Researcher in Nuclear and Particle Theory and Phenomenology (2025/02/10 11:59PM)
  2. [HEPTH2024] Postdoc in theoretical physics (hep-th) (deadline 2024/12/01 11:59PM)
  3. [URM2024] Postdocs in theoretical physics for women and members of underrepresented groups
4985 0

University of Pittsburgh, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science sort by distance

  1. [AP] Assistant Professor in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  2. [TAP] Teaching Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering

University of Pittsburgh, PITT PACC sort by distance

  1. [HEPTHAP] Assistant Professor in Theoretical High Energy Physics (deadline 2024/11/15 11:59PM)

University of Pittsburgh, Dai's group, Department of Physics and Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [POSTDOC] Postdoc in Zhehao Dai's group (accepting applications, deadline 2024/12/20 11:59PM)

Western University, Computer Science Department sort by distance

  1. [RAP] Two Open Rank Faculty Positions in Computer Science, Western University (deadline 2024/10/31 11:59PM)
  2. [TSAP] Assistant Professor, Teaching Scholar Track in Computer Science, Western University (deadline 2024/10/31 11:59PM)

Indiana University, Physics Department sort by distance

  1. [FANT] Faculty position in Nuclear Theory at Indiana University (deadline 2024/11/08 11:59PM)
236 0

University of Notre Dame, Department of Physics and Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [CHILPD] Postdoctoral research position in high-contrast imaging and exoplanet science (deadline 2025/01/02 11:59PM)

Purdue University, Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business sort by distance

  1. [ADP] Associate/Full Professor of Management in MIS
  2. [CAP] Associate/Full Clinical Professor of Artificial Intelligence in Business
  3. [CAP1] Assistant Clinical Professor of Artificial Intelligence in Business
  4. [TTAP] Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Artificial intelligence

Purdue University, Department of Physics & Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [POSTDOC1] Post Doc Research Associate (deadline 2024/12/31 11:59PM)
4799 0

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Physics & Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [ASSISTANTPROFESSOR] Assistant Professor - Quantum Information (deadline 2025/01/06 11:59PM)

University of Waterloo, Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics sort by distance

  1. [PDF] Postdoctoral Fellow (deadline 2024/11/15 11:59PM)

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Academic Programs sort by distance

  1. [2025BRIDGE] 2025 PSI Bridge Program (2025/04/01 11:59PM)
  2. [2025PHDAWARD] 2025 Expression of Interest for PhD Residency Award

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Research sort by distance

  1. [2025ENF] 2025 Simons Emmy Noether Fellowship in Faculty Stream
  2. [2025GENFAC] 2025 Research Faculty
  3. [2025PDENF] 2025 Simons Emmy Noether Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship

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