Job Listings  

Georgia State University, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies sort by distance

  1. [CHAIR] Chair and Professor (deadline 2024/12/02 11:59PM)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Cybersecurity and Privacy sort by distance

  1. [TTF25] Tenure-Track Faculty Positions (accepting applications)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Computational Science and Engineering sort by distance

  1. [FAC24] Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor (deadline 2024/12/01 11:59PM)
1175 0

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering sort by distance

  1. [PROFESSOR] Professor and Micron CHair (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Interactive Computing sort by distance

  1. [TTF2025] Tenure-Track Faculty
906 0

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science sort by distance

  1. [CHAIR] Chair - School of Computer Science (deadline 2025/01/06 11:59PM)
  2. [TTT2425] GaTech: School of Computer Science open-rank tenure track Faculty (deadline 2024/12/01 11:59PM)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering sort by distance

  1. [TTFP24] ChBE Tenure Track Faculty Position - Open Rank 2024-25 (deadline 2024/11/04 11:59PM)
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University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Physics & Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [ASSISTANTPROFESSOR] Assistant Professor - Quantum Information (deadline 2025/01/06 11:59PM)

University of South Carolina, Health Services Policy and Management sort by distance

  1. [ASSISTANTASSOCIATEPROFESSOR] Assistant/Associate Professor
  2. [PHDPROGRAMDIRECTOR] PhD Program Director – Open Rank Tenure-Track Faculty Position

University of South Carolina, Physics and Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [REU] Research Experience for Undergraduates (2025/02/15 11:59PM)

Vanderbilt University, Political Science sort by distance

  1. [APAPB] Assistant Professor in American Political Behavior
  2. [CELPD] Center For Effective Lawmaking Postdoctoral Fellow: AY 2025-2026 (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)

University of Kentucky, Department of Physics & Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [HEPTH2024] Postdoc in theoretical physics (hep-th) (deadline 2024/12/01 11:59PM)
  2. [URM2024] Postdocs in theoretical physics for women and members of underrepresented groups
  3. [PDF] Postdoctoral Researcher in Nuclear and Particle Theory and Phenomenology (2025/02/10 11:59PM)
3796 0

University of Florida, Department of Physics sort by distance

  1. [BIRZUPOSTDOC] Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Physics of Living Systems (2025/02/10 11:59PM)

Miami University, Computer Science & Software Engineering sort by distance

  1. [ASSISTANTASSOCIATEPROFESSOR] Assistant/Associate Professor (2025/11/21 11:59PM)

Indiana University, Physics Department sort by distance

  1. [FANT] Faculty position in Nuclear Theory at Indiana University (deadline 2024/11/08 11:59PM)

Duke University, Fuqua School of Business sort by distance

  1. [ADJUNCT] Adjunct Professor (deadline 2024/12/31 11:59PM)
  2. [DECISIONSCIENCES] Decision Sciences Position (deadline 2024/11/10 11:59PM)
  3. [POSTDOCDIALOGUEPROJECT] Post-Doctoral Associate (2025/02/20 11:59PM)
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Duke University, Biology sort by distance

  1. [PD_SYH] Postdoctoral Associate (2025/02/28 11:59PM)
  2. [RS_KP] Research Scientist - Part Time (deadline 2025/01/13 11:59PM)

Duke University, Department of Romance Studies sort by distance

  1. [SLPNRR] Spanish Language Instructor (2025/06/30 11:59PM)

Duke University, Duke Divinity School sort by distance

  1. [CFRAP] Director for the Center for Reconciliation/Associate Professor
  2. [JBBC] Joseph B. Bethea Chair in Black Church Studies

Duke University, Economics sort by distance

  1. [EXECDFESPRING2025] Executive in Residence (filled, deadline 2024/09/01 11:59PM*)

Duke University, Evolutionary Anthropology sort by distance

  1. [PONTZERPOSTDOCS112024] Postdoctoral Associates (2025/03/31 11:59PM*)

Duke University, Health, Wellness, & Physical Education sort by distance

  1. [INST] Health, Exercise, Sports Instructor or Lecturing Fellow (2025/03/30 11:59PM)
2864 0

Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment - Durham sort by distance

  1. new posting[POSTDOC_JAYASUNDARA] Postdoctoral Associate
  2. [POSTDOC_MEYER] Postdoctoral Associate - Integrated Toxicology & Environmental Health Program
  3. [POSTDOC_QIU1] Postdoctoral Associate - Ecosystem Dynamics
  4. [POSTDOC_RYAN] Postdoctoral Associate - Ice Sheet Surface Processes

Duke University, NSOE sort by distance

  1. [POSTDOCTORALASSOCIATE] Postdoctoral Associate
3471 0

Duke University, Pratt Masters Programs sort by distance

  1. [ADJCYBER] Adjunct Professor
  2. [ADJFT520] Adjunct Professor in FinTech
  3. [AIPIAIR] Associate in Research (filled)
  4. [AIPIMENTOR] Faculty Mentor-Coach (2025/02/28 11:59PM)

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