Job Listings  

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Claremont McKenna College, Human Resources sort by distance

  1. [ASSISTASSOCIATEPROFINNEUROSCIENCE] Assistant / Associate Professor in Neuroscience (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
  2. [ASSTASSOCIATEPROFESSORINPHYSICSOFLIVINGS] Assistant / Associate Professor in Physics of Living Systems (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
  3. [PHYSICSOFCLIMATEENERGYENVIRONMENT] Assistant / Associate Professor in Physics of Climate, Energy, and the Environment (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
  4. [PROFDATASCIENCE] Assistant / Associate Professor in Data Science
3796 0

University of Florida, Department of Physics sort by distance

  1. new posting[ASTPROFHET] Assistant Professor of Physics in Particle Theory (2024/11/22 11:59PM)
  2. new posting[BIOPHYSEXPT] Assistant Professor in Experimental Biological Physics (2024/11/25 11:59PM)
  3. [INSTRASSTPROF] Instructional Assistant Professor in Physics (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
  4. [INSTRLONLINECOORDINATOR] Instructional Assistant Professor and Online Teaching Coordinator in Physics (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
  5. [POSTDOC] Postdoctoral Associate in Numerical/Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

University of Miami, College of Engineering sort by distance

  1. [CHAIR] Chair (2024/12/15 11:59PM)

University of South Carolina, Health Services Policy and Management sort by distance

  1. new posting[ASSISTANTASSOCIATEPROFESSOR] Assistant/Associate Professor
  2. new posting[PHDPROGRAMDIRECTOR] PhD Program Director – Open Rank Tenure-Track Faculty Position

University of South Carolina, Physics and Astronomy sort by distance

  1. [ORP] Open-Rank Faculty Position in Observational Astronomy
  2. [ORP1] Open Rank Faculty Position in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
  3. [POSTDOC] Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Georgia, Insurance, Legal Studies and Real Estate sort by distance

  1. [RAP] Assistant or Associate Professor in Risk and Insurance (deadline 2024/10/01 11:59PM)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Cybersecurity and Privacy sort by distance

  1. [PD24BS] Postdoctoral Researcher - Cybersecurity (accepting applications)
  2. [TTF25] Tenure-Track Faculty Positions (accepting applications)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Interactive Computing sort by distance

  1. [RESEARCHASSISTANTPROFESSOR] Research Assistant Professor of Sustainability (deadline 2024/08/31 11:59PM)
  2. [TTF2025] Tenure-Track Faculty
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Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science sort by distance

  1. [TTT2425] GaTech: School of Computer Science open-rank tenure track Faculty (2024/12/01 11:59PM)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering sort by distance

  1. [TTFP24] ChBE Tenure Track Faculty Position - Open Rank 2024-25 (2024/11/04 11:59PM)

Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biological Sciences sort by distance

  1. new posting[OPENRANKASSISTANTASSOCIATEPROFESSOR] Open-Rank Assistant/Associate/Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology (deadline 2024/01/11 11:59PM)

Berry College, Communication sort by distance

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Duke University, Marine Lab sort by distance

  1. [POSTDOC] Postdoctoral Associate (deadline 2024/07/31 11:59PM*)
  2. [RSSR] Sr. Research Scientist (2024/10/15 11:59PM*)

Duke University, Fuqua School of Business sort by distance

  1. [ACCOUNTING] Accounting Faculty Positions (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
  2. [ADJUNCT] Adjunct Professor (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
  3. [DECISIONSCIENCES] Decision Sciences Position (2024/11/10 11:59PM)
  4. [FINANCE] Finance Faculty Position (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
  5. [MANAGEMENT] Management and Organizations Faculty Position (deadline 2024/09/02 11:59PM)
  6. [MARKETING] Marketing Faculty Position (deadline 2024/07/05 11:59PM)
  7. [OPS] Operations Management Faculty Position (2024/11/01 11:59PM)

Duke University, Innovation and Entrepreneurship sort by distance

  1. new posting[PTLECTURINGFELLOW1] Part-time Lecturing Fellow - Entrepreneurial Finance (2024/10/18 11:59PM)
  2. new posting[PTLECTURINGFELLOW2] Part-time Lecturing Fellow - The Business of Science (2024/10/18 11:59PM)
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Duke University, Biology sort by distance

  1. [AP_EB] Assistant Professor (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
  2. [ARP2] Assistant Research Professor (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
  3. [IB] Instructor B (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
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Duke University, Biomedical Engineering sort by distance

  1. [DUKEGERECHT1] Assistant Research Professor

Duke University, Economics sort by distance

  1. [EXECDFESPRING2025] Executive in Residence (filled, deadline 2024/09/01 11:59PM*)

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