[PD] Postdoctoral positions for Condensed Matter Group “High Pressure, Spectroscopy, Spin Dynamics, and Topology in Quantum Matters Supported By Brain Korea 21 Fellowship.” (2025/06/26 11:59PM)
[FULLPROFESSORASSOCIATEPROFESSOR7] Full Professors/ Associate Professors of Yau mathematical Sciences Center (Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications)
[DISTINGUISHEDPROFESSORSASSOCIATEPROFESSO] Distinguished Professors/Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences (Fudan University, Shanghai) (2025/12/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTORALFELLOWS] Post-doctoral Fellows at Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences (Fudan University, Shanghai) (2025/12/31 11:59PM)