Job Listings
Duke University, Biomedical Engineering
- [DUKEBURSAC5] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKECHIL] Research Scientist
- [DUKECROUCH] Associate in Research
- [DUKEDUNN] Associate in Research
- [DUKEDUNN1] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKEGERECHT1] Assistant Research Professor
- [DUKEGLADFELTER] Associate in Research
- [DUKEGRILL] Associate in Research
- [DUKEGRILL3] Associate in Research
- [DUKEGRILL8] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKEGRILL9] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKEHICKEY] Associate in Research
- [DUKERANDLES] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKERANDLES1] Research Associate
- [DUKERANDLES2] Associate in Research
- [DUKEREKER] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKESEGURA] Research Scientist
- [DUKESONG] Research Scientist
- [DUKETADROSS] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKETADROSS1] Associate in Research
- [DUKETRAHEY] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKEVENTURELLI3] Associate in Research
- [DUKEVENTURELLI4] Research Scientist
- [DUKEVIVENTI] Associate in Research
- [DUKEWAX] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKEYAO2] Associate in Research
- [DUKEYOU1] Postdoctoral Associate
- [DUKSTRCHI] Associate in Research
Duke University, Center for Advanced Genomic Technologies
- [AIRGEE] Associate in Research (offers accepted)
- [POSTDOCGC] Postdoctoral Associate (offers accepted)
- [PTMOUSETUMOR] Associate in Research (search canceled)
Duke University, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- [PD_BORSUKMODELING] Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Modeling of Environmental Systems and Ecosystem Services
- [PD_WIESNER_HEATISLAND] Postdoctoral Associate
- [RS_GUNSCH] Research Scientist (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
Duke University, Duke Quantum Center
- [RSINTERNNOEL] Research Intern
Duke University, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- [AIR_HWANG] Associate In Research (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
- [ASSISTPROF] Assistant Professor (2024/12/15 11:59PM)
- [POSTDOC_MIKKELSEN] Postdoctoral Associate (2025/04/30 11:59PM)
Duke University, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- [ASPZAVLANOS] Assistant Professor (deadline 2024/12/01 11:59PM)
- [PDDOLBOW] Postdoctoral Associate (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
- [PDFENG] Postdoctoral Associate (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
Duke University, Office of the Dean, Pratt School of Engineering
- [ADJPRO] Adjunct Professor - non regular rank
Duke University, Pratt Masters Programs
- [ADJCYBER] Adjunct Professor
- [AIPIADJ] Adjunct Professer
- [AIPIMENTOR] Faculty Mentor-Coach (2024/12/21 11:59PM)
- [DTIADJ1] Adjunct Professor
- [GDDIADJ] Adjunct Professor in Game Design, Development, & Innovation
- [GDDIMENTOR] Game Design Mentor-Coach
- [MEMOMC] MEM Online Mentor-Coach
- [SYSENGPD] Executive Director, Masters of Engineering in Systems Engineering program (deadline 2024/09/14 11:59PM)
(50 positions listed)