Sample reference letter requests and reference uploading forms

A sample generic reference letter request email message:

From:    AcademicJobsOnline.Org <>
Subject: Reference Letter Request for John Smith

To: FirstName LastName <>
Date: 2010-07-14

This is an automated message from the AcademicJobsOnline.Org:
sent at the direct request of *John Smith* <>, who is applying for 
jobs using this web service. The applicant would like to request a generic 
letter of reference from you. A generic letter is used for all the 
applications the applicant wants to submit. You can see the list of current 
application(s) by opening the URL below and clicking on the 
"[applications]" link there.

To upload your letter in one simple step, please open the following URL in 
your web browser:
and follow the on-screen instructions. After submitting your letter, please 
click on the "Logout" link to logout. Please note this URL is only good for 
two months, and a new URL will be necessary after that. Please ask the 
applicant directly about when your letter is needed.

If you need to login, please go to the 1st URL above and login with your 
email address and your previously chosen password 
[ If the writer is new to the system, it'll say: the password HCjPyjRp instead ]
by clicking on the " Writer of reference letters" link under the "Login to 
AcademicJobsOnline" section. After login, click on the applicant's name to 
upload your letter. If you do not remember your password, click on the 
"Forgot your password?" link on the reference writer login page to get a 
new one.

If you prefer to let someone else, either your secretary or a departmental 
staff person, to upload your letters on your behalf, you can set that 
person as your proxy by logging in as yourself at the URL above and 
clicking on the 'proxy' link near the bottom of the 'Refs' page.

You may submit letters tailored for some selected employers, and/or a 
generic letter for all employers. You only need to submit a generic letter 
once. Reference letters can be submitted anytime at your own convenience; 
and they are strictly confidential, accessible only by those designated 
employers to which the applicant has applied or will be applying. Please 
let us know if you encounter any problems.

Thank you.

A sample tailored reference letter request email message:

From:    AcademicJobsOnline.Org <>
Subject: Reference Letter Request for John Smith

To: FirstName LastName <>
Date: 2010-07-14

This is an automated message from the AcademicJobsOnline.Org:
sent at the direct request of *John Smith* <>, who is applying for 
the "[GP2] Goose Position2" position at:
    Univ of Some, Dept of Where
using this web service and has named you as one of the references. The 
applicant would like to request a reference letter from you for this 
employer. Please ignore this request if you have already uploaded a generic 
letter and you don't want to upload a new letter just for this employer.

[Group or job related custom message goes here.]

To upload your letter in one simple step, please open the following URL in 
your web browser:
and follow the on-screen instructions. After submitting your letter, please 
click on the "Logout" link to logout. Please note this URL is only good for 
two months, and a new URL will be necessary after that. The deadline for 
the application is 2012/09/09.

If you need to login, please go to the 1st URL above and login with your 
email address and your previously chosen password by clicking on 
the " Writer of reference letters" link under the "Login to 
AcademicJobsOnline" section. After login, click on the applicant's name to 
upload your letter. If you do not remember your password, click on the 
"Forgot your password?" link on the reference writer login page to get a 
new one.

Your proxy will also be notified about this request. You may submit 
letters tailored for some selected employers, and/or a generic letter for 
all employers. You only need to submit a generic letter once. Reference 
letters can be submitted anytime at your own convenience; and they are 
strictly confidential, accessible only by those designated employers to 
which the applicant has applied or will be applying. Please let us know if 
you encounter any problems.

Thank you.

A sample template for tailored reference letter request email message:

To:   ${FullName} <${Email}>
Date: ${Date}

This is an automated message from the AcademicJobsOnline.Org
sent at the direct request of ${ApplApplyFor}
and has named you as one of the references. The 
applicant would like to request a reference letter from you for this 
employer. Please ignore this request if you have already uploaded a generic 
letter and you don't want to upload a new letter just for this employer.


Please click on the "Contact Us" link if you need any help.

Thank you.

A sample reference letter uploading form seen by reference writers:

The important steps are labeled. Basically the reference writer needs to select whether this is a new letter or a replacement for an old letter first. Choose the letter file from his local system. Click on the green arrow to see the employer list and select employers if this is not a generic letter. For generic letters, skip step 3.

After submitting the form above, the writer needs to click on the 'PDF' link in the form below to see if the PDF file is OK, then confirm the letter.