The "NewJob" option is what you use to create new jobs. Instead of creating a new position here, you may at times wish to duplicate an existing position to create your new job. Especially if your new job is similar, this may be an easier route to take. Select the "Jobs" link to do so.
Let's take a look at the information you are asked to supply. Many items are self-explanatory. We will examine only the less familiar items here.
- Position Tag is the job tag associated with your Position Title. For example, APE could be the Position Tag for Associate Professor of English. These tags can be whatever is suitable for your department's needs.
- You need to enter the Deadline for this position in the format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD, YY-MM-DD, or YY/MM/DD. If you enter the date in an incorrect format, you will be assigned a date.
Many departments want to accept applications or allow the job to continue to be publicly viewable after the deadline. To do this, see List this job below.
- At Job Description, you will enter the description for the position. This will be read as HTML text. To create paragraphs (i.e., insert a blank line between chunks of text), you will need to put <p> (an HTML paragraph tag) where you want the paragraph break. If you wish to make use of other HTML tags, you may want to consult someone with HTML experience; or, if you're feeling adventurous, you could go to this link for reference material.
- At Required Materials, there are 3 different selection areas:
First, you will need to indicate which items are required. Check the box next to the item to select it. At the bottom of the list of items is a blank text box, for you to add another item if necessary. Another blank text area will be created and available to you after you submit this page. The Cover Sheet is automatically required, so do not re-enter it here.
Next to the item checkbox is an input box for you to type in a number indicating how many of that item is required. For example, if three references are required for this position, type "3" in this box. If an additional item is not required but you will accept it, enter the name of the item, check the box and enter quantity "0".
Next are radio buttons to select Online or UsMail. Selecting Online means that the item is to be submitted through the system.
- The Additional questions for this job section gives you the option of adding more questions to the AcademicJobsOnline application for this position. What you type in will be read as HTML text. For more details on entering the text, see #3 in the section above. Another blank text area for addition questions will be added once you submit this one. Any questions that you ask here will be used in addition to the questions you listed on your Config screen.
- List this job allows you to specify a time period for which this job will be listed in The dates should be entered in the format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD, YY-MM-DD, or YY/MM/DD.
The begin and end date(s) are specified in the text boxes next to from and to. By default, the creation date will automatically be entered as the from date. The Deadline date entered above will automatically be entered as the to date.
Once a listed job has reached the date listed in the to box, it will no longer appear on the job list.
If you wish a job to continue appearing for applicants after the official Deadline date, change the date listed at the to box to a later date.
If you extended the date listed in the to box, your position will continue to be publicly viewable and candidates will be able to continue applying to this position if you did not check the box above in the Deadline section. If you did check the box, your position will still be publicly viewable, but candidates will be prevented from submitting any further applications.
Below this is a text box for an optional message you may wish to display to applicants if you are temporarily halting the acceptance of new applications. What you type in will be read as HTML text.
- After submitting the new job listing, you may return to the job listing screen by selecting the Jobs option and using the Edit button next to the job name. That screen will be similar to the new job form, and it will contain a Job Status section at the bottom. Here you will need to update the status of your job in the future. If you wish to change the status, click on one button in the horizontal row of radio buttons. Your selections are: