University of Zurich, Institute for Computational Science

Position ID:UZH-CTAC-POSTDOCHEP [#26438]
Position Title: Postdoc Position in Theoretical High-Energy Physics
Position Type:Postdoctoral
Position Location:Zurich, Zurich 8057, Switzerland [map] sort by distance
Subject Area: Physics / High Energy Physics
Appl Deadline:2023/12/10 11:59PMhelp popup** (posted 2023/10/29, listed until 2024/04/29)
Position Description:    

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

The Institute for Computational Science of the University of Zurich, opens a postdoc position to be filled October 1 st 2024. The position will initially be offered for two years with a possible extension for a third year. Applicants would join the group of H. Ita and will be part of the LTP Theory Group at the Paul Scherrer Institute. 

The postdoctoral project will be concerned with the computation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes in QCD for LHC phenomenology. 

Requirements: The applicants should have a PhD in theoretical particle physics or equivalent. Furthermore we favor applicants with experience in particle physics phenomenology, with special interest in collider physics and higher-order corrections. Candidates with a strong theoretical/computational background are especially encouraged to apply. Experience with perturbative gravity is welcome. 

Application: To apply, please submit the following material via Academic Jobs Online: 
  1.  A research statement, 
  2.  a CV, 
  3.  and a list of publications. 
  4.  The candidate should also arrange for 3 confidential letters of recommendation to be uploaded to AJO. 

Deadline: 10th of December 2023. 

Contact: Prof. H. Ita (

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Center for Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology, ICS, UZH
Winterthurerstrasse 190