Job Listings
All, Chiral Perturbation(1), Dark Matter(2), Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)(3), Dense Quark Matter(4), EFT(2), Exotic Nuclei(2), Experimental Nuclear Physics(4), hadronic physics(4), hadronic structure; Nuclear structure; Lattice QCD;(3), Heavy-ion collisions(4), High-Energy Physics(4), High-Energy QCD, Parton Saturation(3), Lattice QCD(3), Light-front Physics(2), Low-energy nuclear theory(1), nucl-ex,hep-ex categories(3), Nuclear & Particle Theory(1), Nuclear astrophysics(1), nuclear instrumentation or radiation detection, nuclear engineering, experimental nuclear or particle physics(1), Nuclear Physics(2), Nuclear structure and reactions(1) ...more...
University of Santiago de Compostela, IGFAE - Galician Institute of High Energy Physics
- [IGFAE_GT_JUNIOR_2024] Junior staff at IGFAE (deadline 2024/12/21 11:59PM)
(1 position listed)