List of Currently Registered Employers []
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AcademicJobsOnline was officially launched in August, 2006. In the last 12 months, 2224 employers from 210 states in 43 countries have used the service for 3970 job ads (with 1072 ads-only, 516 encouraging URMs to apply, and 1697 posted in the last 2 months; viewed 20622261 times). On this server, 177144 unique users have logged in; 6324 applicants have been on the 'Job Wanted' list, with 1519 in the Minority Registry; 58825 have registered as new applicants (with 9891 in the last 2 months) or updated their profiles; 47623 applicants have uploaded 396457 new documents; 47131 applicants have submitted 142215 new applications (with 36195 in the last 2 months,) with an average of 3.02 positions applied per applicant; 103646 reference writers have used the system, with 63184 reference writers uploaded 106066 new letters. The web server had 15375113 unique visits (among 269456022 hits.)
- Academia Sinica, Administration Office of Institute of physics (1)
- Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Academia Sinica, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences (1)
- Academia Sinica, Institute of Mathematics (1) §
- Academia Sinica, Institute of Statistical Science (1)
- Academia Sinica, Research Center for Environmental Changes
- Acıbadem University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (1)
- Advancing Theory for Nuclear Double Beta Decay (1) §
- Ahmedabad University (1) ¶
- ↳ Ahmedabad University, School of Arts and Sciences, Amrut Mody School of Management, School of Engineering and Applied Science ¶
- AJO Demo Group
- AJO eDelivery Service
- Ajou University, Physics/Condensed matter theory §
- Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), S. Matinyan Center for Theoretical Physics (1) §
- American Enterprise Institute, Foreign and Defense Policy Department
- American Physical Society, Division of Particles and Fields
- APCTP, Office of Research Support ¶
- ↳ APCTP, APCTP/POSTECH Quantum Field Theory and String Theory Group §
- Argonne National Laboratory, Condensed Matter Theory Group, Material Sciences Divison (1) §
- Ariel University, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Ariel University, Physics (5)
- Ariel University, Physics Department/High Energy Physics group
- Arizona State University, Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science (2)
- Arizona State University, Department of Psychology
- Arizona State University, Physics (1)
- Arizona State University, School of International Letters & Cultures (SILC)
- Arizona State University West campus, School of Forensic Science (1)
- Astroparticules et Cosmologie, Cosmology §
- Bar Ilan University, Physics Department §
- Baylor University, Department of Environmental science (1)
- Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (9) ¶
- Ben Gurion University, Physics (2) §
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Meidan Group, Department of Physics §
- Berry College, Communication
- Biruni Award (1) §
- BNU-HKBU United International College (7)
- Bonn University, Physikalisches Institut of University of Bonn
- Bonn University, Quantum Optics group (1) §
- Boston University, College of Arts & Sciences (2) ¶
- ↳ Boston University, American & New England Studies Program (1)
- ↳ Boston University, Archaeology Program
- ↳ Boston University, Arts & Sciences Writing Program
- ↳ Boston University, BU Chemistry
- ↳ Boston University, Center for Innovation in Social Science
- ↳ Boston University, Cinema & Media Studies
- ↳ Boston University, Data Science Initiative ¶
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Anthropology
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Astronomy
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Biology (1)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Classical Studies
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Computer Science (2)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Economics (2)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of English
- ↳ Boston University, Department of History (2)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of History of Art & Architecture (1)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Linguistics
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Philosophy (1)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Physics (2)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Political Science
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences (1)
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Religion
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Romance Studies
- ↳ Boston University, Department of Sociology (2)
- ↳ Boston University, Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies
- ↳ Boston University, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies (3) ¶
- ↳ Boston University, Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Program
- ↳ Boston University, World Languages & Literatures
- Boston University, College of Communication
- Boston University, College of Engineering (1)
- Boston University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (3)
- Boston University, Engineering Divisions (1)
- Boston University, Kilachand Honors College (2)
- Boston University, Mechanical Engineering Department (1)
- Boston University, Metropolitan College (5)
- Boston University, Questrom School of Business (6)
- Boston University, Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (2)
- Boston University, School of Public Health (4)
- Boston University, The Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences (3)
- Boston University, Wheelock College of Education and Human Development
- Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Pharmacology-Physiology & Biophysics
- Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute (1)
- Brandeis University, Arts and Sciences ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, African and African American Studies Department
- ↳ Brandeis University, Anthropology
- ↳ Brandeis University, Anthropology and Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
- ↳ Brandeis University, Arts and Sciences - Sawyer Seminar ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, Biochemistry Department ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, Biology Department ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, Chemistry Department (1)
- ↳ Brandeis University, Chemistry_MRSEC
- ↳ Brandeis University, Classical Studies
- ↳ Brandeis University, Computer Science Department (2)
- ↳ Brandeis University, Crown Center for Middle East Studies (1)
- ↳ Brandeis University, Department of History ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, Department of MUSIC
- ↳ Brandeis University, Education
- ↳ Brandeis University, Engineering (1)
- ↳ Brandeis University, English Department
- ↳ Brandeis University, Fine Arts
- ↳ Brandeis University, Fine Arts/Rose Art Museum/Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies (1) ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, French and Francophone Studies ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, German, Russian and Asian Languages and Literature ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, History/East Asian Studies (1)
- ↳ Brandeis University, Hornstein Program
- ↳ Brandeis University, Journalism
- ↳ Brandeis University, LGLS-AAAS-ENG (1)
- ↳ Brandeis University, Madeleine Haas Russell postdoc (LACLS/ENVS)
- ↳ Brandeis University, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies
- ↳ Brandeis University, Philosophy Department
- ↳ Brandeis University, Physics Department (1) ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, Theoretical and Computational Physics (1) §
- ↳ Brandeis University, Politics Department ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, Psychology (1) ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, Romance Studies Department
- ↳ Brandeis University, Sociology Department ¶
- ↳ Brandeis University, South Asian Studies
- ↳ Brandeis University, University Writing Program
- ↳ Brandeis University, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program (1)
- Brigham Young University, REU/RET/FRI Programs, Dept of Physics and Astronomy (2)
- Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center (1)
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Department
- Brown University, Department of Physics (1)
- Brown University, Institute At Brown For Environment And Society (IBES)
- California Institute of Technology, Caltech Division of Engineering and Applied Science (1)
- California Institute of Technology, Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy Division (6)
- California State University, Long Beach, Computer Engineering and Computer Science (1)
- California State University, Long Beach, Electrical Engineering (1)
- California State University, Long Beach, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2)
- Carleton University, Laser-assisted medical physics and engineering laboratory (LAMPE Lab) §
- Carleton University, Physics Department (2) §
- Carnegie Mellon University- Qatar, Computer Science (3)
- Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physics (2)
- The Catholic University of America, School of Philosophy (1)
- CEA-Saclay, Institut de Physique Theorique (2)
- Centenary College of Louisiana, Human Resources
- Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (1) ¶
- ↳ Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Atomic and Molecular Physics
- ↳ Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, High Energy
- ↳ Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Optical and Infrared Astronomy
- ↳ Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Radio and Geoastronomy
- ↳ Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences
- ↳ Smithsonian Institute for Astrophysics, SAO Director's Office
- Central China Normal University, Physics (2)
- Central European University, Department of Sociology
- Chapman University, Schmid College of Science and Technology
- Charles University in Prague, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics
- Charles University in Prague, Quantum Information and Thermodynamics group (2) §
- Chiba University, International Center for Hadron Astrophysics (2)
- China Center of Advanced Science and Technology ¶
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (1)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, High-energy particle and nuclear physics area (1) §
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Neutrino and Dark Matter Group (2) §
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, School of Data Science (2)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, The Institute for International Affairs (2)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, The Quantum Light-Matter Group (1) §
- Chung-Ang University, Physics (1) §
- Chungnam National University, Department of Physics
- Cisco Systems Inc., Cisco Quantum Labs §
- City University of Hong Kong, Physics (2) §
- City University of New York, Advanced Science Research Center (1)
- Claremont McKenna College, Human Resources (1) ¶
- CNRS, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3,CPPM §
- CNRS, Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie
- Colgate University ¶
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Art and Art History
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Biology
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Chemistry
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Computer Science
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Economics
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of English
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Geography
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of German
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Music
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Philosophy
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Political Science
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Sociology & Anthropology
- ↳ Colgate University, Department of Theater
- ↳ Colgate University, LGBTQ Program
- ↳ Colgate University, Middle Eastern Studies and Islamic Civilization Program
- Collège de France, Chaire de Physique de la Matière Condensée (1) §
- Collège de France, Institut de Physique
- Colorado State University, Physics
- Columbia University, Barnard Physics & Astronomy
- Columbia University, Department of Physics (1)
- Columbia University, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (2)
- Cornell University, Division of Human Resources-Recruitment and Employment Center ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, CLASSE
- ↳ Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Animal Science (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, BEE/CALS (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, CALS - Division of Nutritional Sciences
- ↳ Cornell University, CALS - Statistics and Data Science
- ↳ Cornell University, CALS Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- ↳ Cornell University, CALS Geneva AgriTech Administration (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, CALS Human Resources (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, CALS Molecular Biology and Genetics
- ↳ Cornell University, CALS-Computational Biology (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell Cooperative Extension (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Communication
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Entomology - Geneva (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Food Science
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Global Development (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (4)
- ↳ Cornell University, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, Entomology/CALS
- ↳ Cornell University, Lab of Ornithology (7)
- ↳ Cornell University, Landscape Architecture
- ↳ Cornell University, Microbiology/CALS
- ↳ Cornell University, Neurobiology and Behavior (CALS)
- ↳ Cornell University, New York Sea Grant
- ↳ Cornell University, New York State Integrated Pest Management Program
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science (4)
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science - Section of Plant Biology (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science - Section of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science – Section of Plant Breeding and Genetics
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science – Section of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology - Geneva
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science – Section of Soil and Crop Sciences (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, Section of Horticulture (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Section of Horticulture - Geneva
- ↳ Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, AAP Department of Art (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, City and Regional Planning
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Architecture
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Design Tech (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, Mui Ho Center for Cities
- ↳ Cornell University, Paul Rubacha Department of Real Estate
- ↳ Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Africana Studies & Research Center
- ↳ Cornell University, Anthropology (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Asian American Studies Program
- ↳ Cornell University, Asian Studies
- ↳ Cornell University, Astronomy (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- ↳ Cornell University, Comparative Literature
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science §
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (4)
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Classics
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of German Studies
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of History
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Linguistics
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Performing and Media Arts
- ↳ Cornell University, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- ↳ Cornell University, Economics (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, English
- ↳ Cornell University, Government Department (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, History of Art and Visual Studies
- ↳ Cornell University, Klarman Fellowships
- ↳ Cornell University, Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines
- ↳ Cornell University, LASSP/Physics (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, Molecular Biology & Genetics (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Music Department
- ↳ Cornell University, Near Eastern Studies
- ↳ Cornell University, Neurobiology and Behavior
- ↳ Cornell University, Philosophy Department
- ↳ Cornell University, Physics
- ↳ Cornell University, Psychology Department
- ↳ Cornell University, Romance Studies (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Criticism and Theory (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Science and Technology Studies
- ↳ Cornell University, Society for the Humanities
- ↳ Cornell University, College of Business (12) ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Johnson ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Rubacha Department of Real Estate
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Hotel Administration ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, College of Engineering & Computing and Information Science ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Biomedical Engineering
- ↳ Cornell University, Computer Science (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell Engineering Undergraduate Programs
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell Tech
- ↳ Cornell University, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/College of Engineering
- ↳ Cornell University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, Information Science (4)
- ↳ Cornell University, Materials Science & Engineering (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- ↳ Cornell University, Operations Research and Information Engineering (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, Statistics and Data Science
- ↳ Cornell University, Systems Engineering (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, The School of Applied and Engineering Physics
- ↳ Cornell University, College of Human Ecology ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell University Cooperative Extension (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Division of Nutritional Sciences (4)
- ↳ Cornell University, Human Centered Design
- ↳ Cornell University, Psychology
- ↳ Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Baker Institute for Animal Health
- ↳ Cornell University, Biomedical Sciences (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, CVM Department of Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Clinical Sciences (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Molecular Medicine
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Public and Ecosystem Health
- ↳ Cornell University, Microbiology & Immunology
- ↳ Cornell University, Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences/ Anatomic Pathology Department
- ↳ Cornell University, Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences/ Clinical Pathology Department
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy
- ↳ Cornell University, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Weill Cornell Medicine §
- ↳ Cornell University, Law School (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, Research Division ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society (3)
- ↳ Cornell University, Cornell Center for Material Research
- ↳ Cornell University, Institute of Biotechnology
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Continuing Education and Summer Session ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations ¶
- ↳ Cornell University, CAHRS Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies
- ↳ Cornell University, Center for Applied Research on Work (CAROW)
- ↳ Cornell University, Climate Jobs Institute
- ↳ Cornell University, Global Labor and Work
- ↳ Cornell University, Human Resource Studies (1)
- ↳ Cornell University, ILR Buffalo Co-Lab
- ↳ Cornell University, Institute for Compensation Studies
- ↳ Cornell University, Labor & Employment Law
- ↳ Cornell University, Labor Economics
- ↳ Cornell University, Labor Leadership Initiatives (2)
- ↳ Cornell University, Labor Relations
- ↳ Cornell University, Labor Relations, Law, and History
- ↳ Cornell University, Organizational Behavior
- ↳ Cornell University, The Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution
- ↳ Cornell University, Worker Institute
- ↳ Cornell University, Yang Tan Institute
- ↳ Cornell University, Vice Provost Units (1)
- CTEQ Collaboration §
- Duke University, Office for Institutional Equity ¶
- ↳ Duke Health, Department of Anesthesiology (1)
- ↳ Duke Health, Department of Surgery (1)
- ↳ Duke Kunshan University (21) ¶
- ↳ Duke Kunshan University, DSRC and iAPSE
- ↳ Duke Kunshan University, Global Health Research Center
- ↳ Duke Kunshan University, Language and Culture Center (2)
- ↳ Duke University, 2009 Distinguished Professor
- ↳ Duke University, Asian/Pacific Studies Institute
- ↳ Duke University, Biostatistics & Bioinformatics (4)
- ↳ Duke University, Cell Biology/Duke University Medical Center (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Biochemistry
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Medicine
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Radiology
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine
- ↳ Duke University, Distinguished Professors (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Divinity School
- ↳ Duke University, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Central Recruitment
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Divinity School (2)
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Global Health Institute (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Human Vaccine Institute
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship ¶
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Learning Innovation and Digital Education
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Lemur Center
- ↳ Duke University, Duke University Libraries
- ↳ Duke University, Duke University Press
- ↳ Duke University, English for International Students, Graduate School
- ↳ Duke University, Faculty Affairs Administration
- ↳ Duke University, Franklin Humanities Institute
- ↳ Duke University, Fuqua School of Business (3)
- ↳ Duke University, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- ↳ Duke University, Linguistics Program
- ↳ Duke University, Margolis Center for Health Policy
- ↳ Duke University, Medicine/Cardiology/Cardiovascular Research Center
- ↳ Duke University, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
- ↳ Duke University, Nasher Museum of Art
- ↳ Duke University, Neurobiology
- ↳ Duke University, Neurobiology Chair Search 2010
- ↳ Duke University, Neurodegeneration
- ↳ Duke University, Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability
- ↳ Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment ¶
- ↳ Duke University, Marine Lab (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment - Durham (3)
- ↳ Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment - Faculty (2)
- ↳ Duke University, NSOE (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Office of the Provost
- ↳ Duke University, Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
- ↳ Duke University, Pratt School of Engineering ¶
- ↳ Duke University, Biomedical Engineering (26)
- ↳ Duke University, Center for Advanced Genomic Technologies (3)
- ↳ Duke University, Civil and Environmental Engineering (4)
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Quantum Center
- ↳ Duke University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (2)
- ↳ Duke University, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (6)
- ↳ Duke University, Office of the Dean, Pratt School of Engineering
- ↳ Duke University, Pratt Masters Programs (10)
- ↳ Duke University, Radiation Oncology/Research Labs
- ↳ Duke University, Sanford School of Public Policy (4)
- ↳ Duke University, Sanford School of Public Policy - NRR (4) ¶
- ↳ Duke University, Adjunct Instructor (1)
- ↳ Duke University, School of Law
- ↳ Duke University, School of Medicine, Medical Education Administration (1)
- ↳ Duke University, School of Nursing ¶
- ↳ Duke University, Slavic and Eurasian Studies (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Social Science Research Institute (2)
- ↳ Duke University, The Graduate School
- ↳ Duke University, The Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences (1) ¶
- ↳ Duke University, African and African American Studies
- ↳ Duke University, Art, Art History & Visual Studies
- ↳ Duke University, Arts of the Moving Image
- ↳ Duke University, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- ↳ Duke University, Biology (3)
- ↳ Duke University, Center for Documentary Studies
- ↳ Duke University, Classical Studies
- ↳ Duke University, Computer Science (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Cultural Anthropology
- ↳ Duke University, Dance
- ↳ Duke University, Dance Program
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Chemistry
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Mathematics (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Political Science
- ↳ Duke University, Department of Romance Studies (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Duke Center for Jewish Studies
- ↳ Duke University, Economics (5)
- ↳ Duke University, English Department (2)
- ↳ Duke University, Evolutionary Anthropology (4)
- ↳ Duke University, Friedl Business Center
- ↳ Duke University, Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies (1)
- ↳ Duke University, German Studies
- ↳ Duke University, Health, Wellness, & Physical Education (1)
- ↳ Duke University, History
- ↳ Duke University, Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences
- ↳ Duke University, Initiative for Science & Society
- ↳ Duke University, International Comparative Studies
- ↳ Duke University, John Hope Franklin Center (1) ¶
- ↳ Duke University, Literature Program
- ↳ Duke University, Music Department (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Philosophy (2)
- ↳ Duke University, Physics (5)
- ↳ Duke University, Program Arts of the Moving Image
- ↳ Duke University, Program in Education
- ↳ Duke University, Program in the Arts of the Moving Image
- ↳ Duke University, Psychology and Neuroscience
- ↳ Duke University, Samuel DuBois Cook Center On Social Equity
- ↳ Duke University, Sociology
- ↳ Duke University, Statistical Science (3)
- ↳ Duke University, The Department of Religious Studies (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Theater Studies (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Thompson Writing Program (1)
- ↳ Duke University, Trinity College
- ↳ Duke University Medical Center, Biochemistry
- ↳ Duke University Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology
- ↳ Duke University Medical Center, Family Medicine and Community Health
- ↳ Duke University Medical Center, Integrative Immunobiology
- ↳ Duke University Medical Center, Neurosurgery (1)
- ↳ Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology
- ↳ Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Population Health Sciences (4)
- ↳ Duke University School of Medicine, Office of the Vice Dean for Basic Science
- Durham University, Astronomy §
- Durham University, Department of Mathematical Sciences (1) §
- Durham University, IPPP (1) §
- Eastern Michigan University, Department of Computer Science
- Ecole Normale Supérieure, Department of Physics (2)
- Ecole Polytechnique, Center for Theoretical Physics (1) §
- Ecole Polytechnique, Centre de Physique Theorique (1) §
- Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Theoretical Particle Physics Laboratory (1) §
- Elon University, The College of Arts & Sciences
- ETH Zurich, ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies §
- ETH Zurich, IPA (1) §
- ETH Zurich, Office for Faculty Affairs (2)
- Fermilab, Talent Acquisition ¶
- ↳ Fermilab, Accelerator Division
- ↳ Fermilab, APSTD
- ↳ Fermilab, Award Programs (1)
- ↳ Fermilab, CMS
- ↳ Fermilab, Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence Directorate
- ↳ Fermilab, Fermilab Quantum Institute
- ↳ Fermilab, Lederman Fellowship (1)
- ↳ Fermilab, Neutrino Division
- ↳ Fermilab, Neutrino Theory Network (1)
- ↳ Fermilab, Particle Physics Division
- ↳ Fermilab, Peoples Fellowship Committee
- ↳ Fermilab, Scientific Computing Division
- ↳ Fermilab, SQMS
- ↳ Fermilab, Theory Division (1)
- ↳ Fermilab, Wilson Fellowship (1)
- Florida State University, Condensed Matter Theory/Condensed Matter Science/National High Magnetic Field Laboratory §
- Fudan University, Department of Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics Group (1) §
- Fudan University, Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences (2)
- Fudan University, Theoretical Particle and Nuclear Physics
- George Washington University, Computer Science (1)
- Georgetown University ¶
- ↳ Georgetown University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
- ↳ Georgetown University, Georgetown University in Qatar (1)
- ↳ Georgetown University, McCourt School of Public Policy
- ↳ Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business (1)
- ↳ Georgetown University, Physics (1)
- Georgetown University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1)
- Georgetown University, Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology §
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts ¶
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biological Sciences
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (1)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Computational Science and Engineering (1)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science (2)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Cybersecurity and Privacy (1)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Interactive Computing (1)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Physics (1)
- Georgia State University, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (1)
- Georgia State University, Department of Computer Information Systems
- Georgia State University, Institute for Insight
- Georgia State University, Physics and Astronomy (1)
- Georgia State University, School of Accountancy
- Ghent University, Department of Physics (1) §
- Hanyang University, Department of Physics (1)
- Harvard University, BCMP Summer Scholars Program (1)
- Harvard University, Black Hole Initiative
- Harvard University, CMSA (1)
- Harvard University, Statistics (1) §
- Harvey Mudd College, Office of the Dean of the Faculty ¶
- ↳ Harvey Mudd College, Chemistry
- ↳ Harvey Mudd College, Computer Science
- ↳ Harvey Mudd College, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts
- ↳ Harvey Mudd College, Engineering
- ↳ Harvey Mudd College, Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment
- ↳ Harvey Mudd College, Physics
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem, High Energy Physics (1) §
- Helsinki Institute of Physics (1)
- Hiroshima University, The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (7)
- Hiroshima University, Writing Center
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Chemical and Biological Engineering (1)
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute for Advanced Study (1) §
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Physics (6)
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guangzhou), Financial Technology Thrust (1)
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guangzhou), Society Hub
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hopcroft Center on Computer Science (1) §
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Physics/Quantum Field Theory (2) §
- IBM Research, Math Sciences Council (1) §
- ICTP, Trieste, HECAP (1) §
- IFAE-TH-DB, Theory (2) §
- IFAE/UAB, Physics TH (2) §
- IFIC, Univ. Valencia-CSIC ¶
- ↳ IFIC, Univ. Valencia-CSIC, Physics Department (1)
- Illinois Institute of Technology, Computer Science (5)
- Imperial College London, Department of Earth Science and Engineering
- Imperial College London, Department of Physics
- Imperial College London, Theoretical Physics §
- Indiana University, Physics Department (1)
- INSAIT - The Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Technology, INSAIT (5)
- Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (1) ¶
- Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Boschini' group (2) §
- Institute for Advanced Study, School of Natural Sciences
- Institute for Basic Science, Center for Van der Waals Quantum Solids (VdWQS)
- Institute for Basic Science, Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU)/Particle theory and cosmology (PTC)
- Institute for Basic Science, CTPU-CGA(Cosmology, Gravity, and Astro(particle) physics group
- Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Future High Energy Physics §
- Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, CEICO §
- Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Lemeshko Group §
- Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Polshyn group: Emergent electronic phenomena in 2D materials (1) §
- Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Personnel Office (1)
- Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, String theory/QFT/Mathematical Physics (1) §
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Astroparticle Theory Group §
- Instituto Superior Tecnico - University of Lisbon, Department of Physics
- Interfolio, Scholar Services
- Iowa State University, Ames National Laboratory
- Iowa State University, Nuclear Theory Group §
- Ithaca College, Department of Computer Science
- Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute (1)
- Jagiellonian University, Institute of Theoretical Physics (1) §
- James McKeen Cattell Fund
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Institute for Physics - Theoretical High Energy Physics Group (1) §
- Johns Hopkins University, Department of Physics & Astronomy - Physics of Learning (1) §
- Johns Hopkins University, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Johns Hopkins University, Physics and Astronomy (10)
- Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Theoretical Physics (3)
- KAIST, Physics (1) §
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Collaborative Research Center TRR 257 §
- Karlstad University, Physics (1) §
- KEK, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies / Belle Group (1) §
- KEK, QUP (2)
- Koç University (1) ¶
- ↳ Koç University, Academic and Life Skills (ALIS) Instructor (1)
- ↳ Koç University, Academic Writing (1)
- ↳ Koç University, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
- ↳ Koç University, Comparative Literature
- ↳ Koç University, Department of Medical Pharmacology
- ↳ Koç University, Dept. of Chemical and Biological Eng. (2)
- ↳ Koç University, Dept. of Chemistry (2)
- ↳ Koç University, Dept. of Computer Engineering
- ↳ Koç University, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. ¶
- ↳ Koç University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering
- ↳ Koç University, Dept. of Mechanical Eng. (1)
- ↳ Koç University, Dept. of Physics (1)
- ↳ Koç University, Finance
- ↳ Koç University, Is Bank Research Center for Infectious Diseases
- ↳ Koç University, Media and Visual Arts
- ↳ Koç University, Molecular Biology and Genetics (1)
- ↳ Koç University, Philosophy
- ↳ Koç University, Psychology
- ↳ Koç University, Sociology (1)
- Korea Institute for Advanced Study (3) ¶
- Kyoto University, YITP Y302
- Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (1) §
- Kyushu University, Institute for Advanced Study §
- Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS), Theory Group §
- Lafayette College, Department of Chemistry (3)
- Lake Forest College, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Nuclear Science
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Physics (2)
- Lehigh University ¶
- ↳ Lehigh University, ADVANCING Future Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Scholars Program
- ↳ Lehigh University, AS ¶
- ↳ Lehigh University, Africana Studies
- ↳ Lehigh University, Art, Architecture and Design
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Biological Sciences
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Chemistry (2)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of English (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Theatre (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, History Department
- ↳ Lehigh University, International Relations (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Journalism & Communication (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Modern Languages & Literatures (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Music
- ↳ Lehigh University, Philosophy Department
- ↳ Lehigh University, Physics (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Political Science
- ↳ Lehigh University, Psychology (2)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Sociology and Anthropology
- ↳ Lehigh University, Business ¶
- ↳ Lehigh University, Business Communication
- ↳ Lehigh University, Decision and Technology Analytics (2)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Accounting (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Management
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Marketing
- ↳ Lehigh University, Economics (2)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Finance
- ↳ Lehigh University, Coll of Education ¶
- ↳ Lehigh University, Counseling Psychology
- ↳ Lehigh University, Educational Leadership
- ↳ Lehigh University, Special Education
- ↳ Lehigh University, Teaching Learning and Technology
- ↳ Lehigh University, Coll of Engineering ¶
- ↳ Lehigh University, Civil and Environmental Engineering (2)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Computer Science and Engineering (2)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Bio-Engineering (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Engineering Interdisciplinary Search
- ↳ Lehigh University, Industrial and Systems Engineering (3)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics (1)
- ↳ Lehigh University, College of Health ¶
- ↳ Lehigh University, Population Health - College of Health (10)
- ↳ Lehigh University, Research (2)
- LIGO Laboratory (1)
- London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Research (2) §
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Condensed Matter and Complex Systems §
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-Q §
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division (1) §
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division, T-2 (2) §
- Louisiana State University, Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Information, Department of Physics and Astronomy (1) §
- Louisiana State University, Department of Physics & Astronomy (1)
- Louisiana State University, Office of Human Resource Management ¶
- LUT University (1) ¶
- M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (ITMP) (3) §
- Mabelle McLeod Lewis Memorial Fund, Mabelle McLeod Lewis Memorial Fund (1)
- Macalester College ¶
- ↳ Macalester College, Anthropology
- ↳ Macalester College, Art and Art History
- ↳ Macalester College, Asian Languages and Cultures
- ↳ Macalester College, Biology
- ↳ Macalester College, Classical Mediterranean and Middle East
- ↳ Macalester College, Economics (2)
- ↳ Macalester College, Educational Studies
- ↳ Macalester College, English
- ↳ Macalester College, Environmental Studies
- ↳ Macalester College, German and Russian Studies
- ↳ Macalester College, History
- ↳ Macalester College, Human Resources
- ↳ Macalester College, Linguistics
- ↳ Macalester College, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science (1)
- ↳ Macalester College, MNI Postdoc ES
- ↳ Macalester College, MNI Postdoc SP
- ↳ Macalester College, Music
- ↳ Macalester College, Philosophy
- ↳ Macalester College, Political Science
- ↳ Macalester College, Provost ¶
- ↳ Macalester College, Psychology
- ↳ Macalester College, Sociology (1)
- ↳ Macalester College, Spanish and Portuguese
- ↳ Macalester College, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Marine Biological Laboratory ¶
- ↳ Marine Biological Laboratory, Josephine Bay Paul Center for Comparative Molecular Biology & Evolution (1)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, History Section
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Office of the Provost ¶
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Theoretical Physics (3) §
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Global Languages
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (2)
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Linguistics and Philosophy (2)
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Pappalardo Fellowships
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management - BPS (1)
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Political Science (1)
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Ancient and Medieval Studies §
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Engineering ¶
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biological Engineering
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CSAIL §
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Science ¶
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Global Change Science
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Biology
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, IAIFI §
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS) (1)
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Kavli Institute (1)
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Physics Department
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Schwarzman College of Computing (1)
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SHASS ¶
- ↳ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Music and Theater Arts (4)
- Max Planck Institute for Physics, Quantum Field Theory §
- McGill University, Physics (2)
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Computational Oncology
- Memorial University of Newfoundland, Dept. of Physics and Physical Oceanography §
- Meta/Facebook, AI and Systems (1)
- Meta/Facebook, Core Systems (1)
- Miami University, Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering (2)
- Miami University, Computer Science & Software Engineering (1)
- Michigan State University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
- Michigan State University, FRIB Theory Alliance §
- Michigan State University, Maghrebi's group at MSU (1) §
- Mount Allison University (3)
- Nagoya University, Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI) (1)
- Nanjing Normal University, Department of Physics (1) §
- Nanyang Technological University, School of Humanities (1)
- Nanyang Technological University, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2) §
- National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division (NTU) (4)
- National Central University, Taiwan, Physics
- National Cheng Kung University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- National Cheng Kung University, Department of Physics
- National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)
- National Sun Yat-sen University, National Tsing-Hua University, High Energy Theory
- National Taiwan University, Computer Science and Information Engineering (1)
- National Taiwan University, Department of Atmospheric Sciences (1)
- National Taiwan University, Department of Chemistry
- National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering (1)
- National Taiwan University, Department of Geography
- National Taiwan University, International College (2)
- National Taiwan University, International Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development (1)
- National Taiwan University, Psychology (1)
- National Taiwan University, The Department of Physics, the Graduate Institute of Applied Physics and the Graduate Institute of Astrophysics (1)
- National Tsing Hua University, Physics Department
- National University of Singapore, Department of English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies (1)
- National University of Singapore, Dept of Statistics and Data Science (2)
- National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ¶
- ↳ National University of Singapore, Chinese Studies
- ↳ National University of Singapore, FASS-Asian Studies 2
- ↳ National University of Singapore, FASS-Philosophy (2)
- ↳ National University of Singapore, FASS-Psychology
- ↳ National University of Singapore, FASS-Sociology
- ↳ National University of Singapore, FASS-Undergraduate Studies
- National University of Singapore, Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials (1)
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Department of Electrophysics
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Institute of Physics (1)
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Lattice Field Theory Research Group (1) §
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Electron-Ion Collider Physics Project §
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Department of Biological Sciences (1)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark College of Engineering (2)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, Ying Wu College of Computing (2)
- New York University, Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics
- New York University, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
- New York University Arts and Science (5)
- New York University Shanghai (1)
- New York University Shanghai, Physics (1) §
- NORDITA-Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Nordita
- North Dakota State University, Pharmaceutical Sciences (1)
- Northeastern University, Center for Drug Discovery (1)
- Northeastern University, Physics (1) §
- Northeastern University, Physics/Cosmology (1) §
- Northwestern University, CIERA - Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- The Ohio State University, Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology (1)
- Ohio State University, Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics §
- Ohio State University, College of Arts and Sciences ¶
- ↳ Ohio State University, Advanced Computing Center for the Arts & Design (ACCAD)
- ↳ Ohio State University, Anthropology
- ↳ Ohio State University, Arts Administration, Education and Policy
- ↳ Ohio State University, Center for Life Sciences Education
- ↳ Ohio State University, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2)
- ↳ Ohio State University, DANCE / College of the Arts and Sciences
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of African American and African Studies
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of Comparative Studies
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of Design
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of English
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of French & Italian
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of History of Art
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of Psychology
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of Spanish & Portuguese
- ↳ Ohio State University, Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts
- ↳ Ohio State University, Economics
- ↳ Ohio State University, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology (3)
- ↳ Ohio State University, Geography
- ↳ Ohio State University, Germanic Languages and Literatures
- ↳ Ohio State University, Linguistics
- ↳ Ohio State University, Microbiology (1)
- ↳ Ohio State University, Molecular Genetics (2)
- ↳ Ohio State University, Philosophy
- ↳ Ohio State University, Physics (5)
- ↳ Ohio State University, School of Communication
- ↳ Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
- ↳ Ohio State University, School of Music
- ↳ Ohio State University, Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
- ↳ Ohio State University, Sociology
- ↳ Ohio State University, Speech & Hearing Science
- ↳ Ohio State University, Statistics (1)
- ↳ Ohio State University, The Department of Political Science
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Complex Fluids and Flows Unit §
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Faculty Affairs Office
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Gravity, Quantum Geometry and Field Theory (1) §
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Quantum Gravity Unit (1) §
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Qubits and Spacetime Unit §
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Theory of Quantum Matter Unit (1) §
- Oklahoma State University, Physics (1)
- Old Dominion University, Physics (1) §
- Oregon Health & Science University, Vollum Institute (1)
- Oregon State University, Schellman Neutrino Group §
- Osaka University, Department of Physics §
- Osaka University, Immunology Frontier Research Center §
- PDT Partners (1)
- Peking University, Center for High Energy Physics (2)
- Peking University, Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (1)
- Peking University, China, Center for Statistical Science (1)
- The Pennsylvania State University, Chemistry
- Pennsylvania State University, Computer Science and Engineering (1)
- Pennsylvania State University, Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos (1) §
- Pennsylvania State University, Physics Department (1)
- Pennsylvania State University, University Park Main Campus (2)
- Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Academic Programs (3)
- Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Research (5)
- Pitzer College, Office of the Dean of Faculty (1)
- Pomona College ¶
- ↳ Pomona College, Asian Languages and Literatures
- ↳ Pomona College, Chau Mellon
- ↳ Pomona College, Computer Science
- ↳ Pomona College, Department of Biology
- ↳ Pomona College, Department of Chemistry
- ↳ Pomona College, Department of Economics
- ↳ Pomona College, Department of Music
- ↳ Pomona College, English
- ↳ Pomona College, Environmental Analysis (1)
- ↳ Pomona College, Linguistics and Cognitive Science ¶
- ↳ Pomona College, Neuroscience (1)
- ↳ Pomona College, Philosophy
- ↳ Pomona College, Physical Education
- ↳ Pomona College, Politics Department
- ↳ Pomona College, Psychology
- ↳ Pomona College, Religious Studies
- ↳ Pomona College, Sociology ¶
- ↳ Pomona College, Theatre Department
- Princeton University, Department of Physics (1)
- Princeton University, PIIRS
- Princeton University, Princeton Quantum Initiative §
- Princeton University, Skinnider Lab (1) §
- Princeton University, Sociology
- PSL University, Statistical Physics and Mathematics Program §
- Purdue University, Department of Physics & Astronomy (1)
- Purdue University, Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business (4)
- Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Theoretical Physics §
- Queen Mary University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences (1)
- Queen's University, Department of Physics, Engineering Physics, and Astronomy (1) §
- Qutech, Qubit Research Division
- Radix Trading LLC, Research (2)
- Randolph College (1)
- Reed College, Office of the Dean of the Faculty
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2) ¶
- Rice University, Humanities Research Center (1) §
- Rice University, Office of Faculty Development (2) ¶
- Rice University, Physics & Astronomy (1)
- Rice University, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology §
- RIKEN, Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program
- RIKEN, interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS) (5)
- RIKEN, Nonequilibrium Quantum Statistical Mechanics RIKEN Hakubi Research Team §
- RIKEN, Quantum Functional System Research Group
- Rochester Institute of Technology, College of Science (1)
- The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Theoretical Physics (1) §
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Faculty of Computer Science
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New High Energy Theory Center
- RWTH Aachen University, Research Training Group (RTG) 2497 §
- Saitama University, Department of Physics/Shinaoka's group
- San Diego Community College District, San Diego City College (2)
- San Francisco Bay University, General Education (1)
- Santa Monica College, Earth Science Department (1)
- São Paulo State University, ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (1)
- Sapienza University, Physics (1) §
- Sapienza University of Rome, High-Energy Theory Group, Physics Department (1) §
- Seoul National University, Center for Theoretical Physics (1) §
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Particle and Nuclear Division, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (1) §
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School Of Physics (2) §
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Physics and Astronomy (2)
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, The Institute of Natural Sciences (1)
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (9)
- Simon Fraser University, Department of Physics
- Simons Foundation, Center for Computational Astrophysics (2)
- Simons Foundation, Flatiron Institute (4)
- Simons Observatory §
- Singapore University of Technology and Design, Office of Human Resources and Organization Development
- SISSA, Physics Area (5)
- Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics (1) §
- Sorbonne Université, Laboratory of Theoretical and High Energy Physics (1) §
- South China Normal University, Institute of Quantum Matter
- Southeast University, Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University (1) §
- Southern Methodist University, Chemistry
- Southern Methodist University, Physics Department (3)
- Southern University of Science and Technology, Physics (2) §
- Stanford University
- Stanford University, Archaeology Center
- Stanford University, Computer Science/Theory Lab/Stanford University (1) §
- Stanford University, Department of Applied Physics
- Stanford University, Department of Biology
- Stanford University, Department of Chemistry (1)
- Stanford University, Department of Music
- Stanford University, Department of Psychology
- Stanford University, Department of Sociology
- Stanford University, Department of Statistics
- Stanford University, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
- Stanford University, Doerr School of Sustainability
- Stanford University, Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) §
- Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution (2)
- Stanford University, Immigration Policy Lab §
- Stanford University, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (1)
- Stanford University, MS&E+CS (1) §
- Stanford University, Physics Dept., HEP Group (1) §
- Stanford University, Political Science
- Stanford University, Q-FARM (1)
- Stanford University, School of Humanities and Sciences
- Stanford University, Simons Collaboration on Extreme Electrodynamics of Compact Sources (1) §
- Stanford University, SLAC HEP Theory Group
- Stanford University, SLAC, Departments of Photon Science and of Particle Physics & Astrophysics (1)
- Stanford University, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (1) §
- Stanford University, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (Condensed Matter Theory) §
- Stanford University, Symbolic Systems Program (1)
- Stanford University, Varian Physics (2)
- Stanford University / SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Fundamental Physics Directorate (3)
- Stevens Institute of Technology, Computer Science (3)
- Stockholm University, ALPHA SU GROUP (1) §
- Stony Brook University, C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics (1)
- Stony Brook University, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (1)
- Stony Brook University, Department of Chemistry (3)
- Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (2)
- Stony Brook University, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (2)
- Stony Brook University, The Heart Institute (2)
- SungKyunKwan University, Physics (1) §
- SUNY Old Westbury, Chemistry and Physics (1) §
- Susquehanna International Group, LLP, Quantitative Research (7)
- Syracuse University, Department of English (1)
- Syracuse University, Institute for Quantum and Information Sciences (4)
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Department of Theoretical Physics (1) §
- Teachers College, Columbia University, Office of Academic Planning (1)
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Neuro-AI lab
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Physics (1)
- Technische Universität Berlin, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Faculty IV) (2) §
- Technische Universität München, Physics Department Condensed Matter Theory (1) §
- Technische Universität München, Physik-Department T30f (2) §
- Technische Universität München, School of Natural Sciences, Physics Department (1) §
- Tel Aviv University, Particle Physics (1) §
- Temple University, Civil and Environmental Engineering (1)
- Temple University, College of Science and Technology ¶
- ↳ Temple University, CST Biology (2)
- ↳ Temple University, CST Chemistry
- ↳ Temple University, Earth and Environmental Science
- Temple University, Computer and Information Sciences (2)
- Temple University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (1)
- Temple University, Physics (1)
- Texas A&M University, Department of Statistics (4)
- Texas A&M University, Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (1) §
- Texas A&M University, Physics and Astronomy
- Texas A&M University, School of Performance, Visualization, & Fine Arts (1)
- Texas Tech University, Chemistry (1)
- Texas Tech University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry §
- Tohoku University, Advanced Institute for Materials Research (1) §
- Tohoku University, Particle Theory and Cosmology Group, Department of Physics (1) §
- Trinity College Dublin, Hamilton Mathematics Institute (3)
- Trinity College Dublin, School of Mathematics §
- TRIUMF, Theory §
- Tsinghua University, Astronomy Department §
- Tsinghua University, Biophysics Group (1) §
- Tsinghua University, Institute for Advanced Study (3)
- Tsinghua University, Physics (1)
- Tsinghua University, Schwarzman College (2)
- Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
- Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Precision Calculations for Electron-Positron Colliders §
- Tufts University, HNRCA (1)
- Universidad de Burgos, Departamento de Física
- Universidade de São Paulo, Laboratory of Coherent Manipulation of Atoms and Light §
- Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Physics and Astronomy (2) §
- Universität Düsseldorf, Physics (1) §
- Universität Hamburg, Institute for Quantum Physics - Group Schauss (1) §
- Universita` della Svizzera italiana, IMO
- Université de Montréal, Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
- Université de Montréal, Physics
- Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour, Département des études doctorales §
- Universite de Sherbrooke, Department of physics / Quantum Institute / Theory Lab of Stefanos Kourtis §
- Universite de Sherbrooke, Institut Quantique (5)
- University of Adelaide, Physics Department
- University of Alberta, Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) (1)
- University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science (3)
- University of Alberta, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1)
- University of Alberta, Department of Pediatrics (2)
- University of Amsterdam, Institute of Physics (1) §
- University of Amsterdam, Institute of Physics, Cheng Lab §
- University of Amsterdam, Institute of Physics, Diversity and Inclusion Council (2) §
- University of Amsterdam, String Theory Group, Institute of Physics (3) §
- University of Arizona, Physics (2)
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry §
- University of Basel, Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing §
- University of Basel, Department of Physics (1)
- University of Basel, Endress Postdoc Cluster §
- University of Basel, NCCR SPIN
- University of Bern, Albert Einstein Center for fundamental Physics (2) §
- University of Birmingham, School of Mathematics (1) §
- University of Bristol, Faculty of Science (1)
- University of British Columbia, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (1) §
- University of British Columbia, UBC Science (UBC Faculty of Science, Dean's office) ¶
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Botany
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Department of Computer Science (1)
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Department of Physics and Astronomy (2)
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Department of Statistics (2)
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Faculty of Science
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Michael Smith Laboratories
- ↳ University of British Columbia, Microbiology & Immunology
- University of Calgary, Dr. Seitz Research Group (1) §
- University of California Los Angeles, Physics and Astronomy, Coherent Imaging Group §
- University of California Los Angeles, Structures-Computer Interaction Lab §
- University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics (1) §
- University of California, Berkeley, Music (1)
- University of California, Berkeley, Physics (1)
- University of California, Berkeley, Physics Dept - Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics (BCCP) §
- University of California, Berkeley, Physics Frontier Center N3AS (Network for Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries) (1) §
- University of California, Berkeley, Theoretical Astrophysics Center (1) §
- University of California, Davis, Department of Physics & Astronomy (2) §
- University of California, Irvine, Condensed Matter Physics §
- University of California, Irvine, Department of Physics & Astronomy (2)
- University of California, Irvine, Particle Physics, Astroparticle Physics, and Cosmology §
- University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of California, Los Angeles, Electrical & Computer Engineering (1)
- University of California, Los Angeles, Mani L. Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics (2) §
- University of California, Los Angeles, theoretical astroparticle physics/Physics and Astronomy (1) §
- University of California, Merced, School of Engineering (1)
- University of California, Riverside, Department of Physics and Astronomy §
- University of California, San Diego, Computer Science and Engineering (2) §
- University of California, San Diego, Department of Mathematics (3)
- University of California, San Diego, School of Global Policy and Strategy (1)
- University of California, San Diego, Theoretical Physics §
- University of California, San Francisco, Department of Microbiology and Immunology (1)
- University of California, Santa Barbara, College of Engineering (1)
- University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Mechanical Engineering (2)
- University of California, Santa Barbara, KITP (2)
- University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Materials Center (1) §
- University of California, Santa Cruz, SCIPP §
- University of Chicago, Astronomy and Astrophysics (1)
- University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences
- University of Chicago, Department of Physics
- University of Chicago, Department of the Geophyical Sciences (2)
- University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute (2)
- University of Chicago, Kadanoff Center (1)
- University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (1)
- University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Deans' Office (1)
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific (ICTP-AP) (4)
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (Kavli ITS)
- University of Cincinnati, Theoretical Physics (1) §
- University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Computer Science
- University of Colorado Boulder, Talent Acquisition (1)
- University of Connecticut ¶
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Accounting
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Agricultural and Resource Economics
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Allied Health Sciences
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Animal Science
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Anthropology
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Art and Art History
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Asian and Asian American Studies Institute
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Biomedical Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Biotechnology/Bioservices Center
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Center for Clean Energy Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Center for Open Research Resources & Equipment
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Chemistry
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
- ↳ University of Connecticut, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences ¶
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Computer Science & Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Connecticut State Museum of Natural History
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Communication
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (Neag School of Education)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Earth Sciences
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Geosciences
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Department of Sociology
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Digital Media & Design
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Dramatic Arts
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Economics
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Educational Leadership (Neag School of Education)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Educational Psychology (Neag School of Education)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Electrical and Computer Engineering (School of Engineering)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, English
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Ethnic and Gender Studies
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Eversource Energy Center
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Finance
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Geography
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Global Affairs
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Graduate School
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Healthcare Management & Insurance Studies
- ↳ University of Connecticut, History
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Human Development and Family Sciences
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Human Rights Institute
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Humanities Institute
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Institute for Systems Genomics
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Institute of Materials Science
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Journalism
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Linguistics
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Management and Entrepreneurship Department
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Marine Sciences Department
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Marketing
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Materials Science and Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Mathematics
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Molecular and Cell Biology
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Music
- ↳ University of Connecticut, National Estuarine Research Reserve (CT NERR)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Natural Resources and the Environment
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Nursing (2)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Nutritional Sciences
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Operations & Information Management Department
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Philosophy
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Physics
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Physiology and Neurobiology
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Political Science
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Pratt & Whitney Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Psychological Sciences
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Psychology
- ↳ University of Connecticut, School of Business
- ↳ University of Connecticut, School of Engineering
- ↳ University of Connecticut, School of Law
- ↳ University of Connecticut, School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Manufacturing Engineering (College of Engineering)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, School of Pharmacy
- ↳ University of Connecticut, School of Public Policy
- ↳ University of Connecticut, School of Social Work
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Statistics
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Tech Park
- ↳ University of Connecticut, UConn Extension (1)
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Urban and Community Studies Program
- ↳ University of Connecticut, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr International Academy (4)
- University of Detroit Mercy, College of Engineering & Science (1)
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences (1) §
- University of Florida, Department of Advertising (1)
- University of Florida, Department of Physics (1)
- University of Freiburg, Heidi Rzehak, Institute of Physics
- University of Geneva, Cosmology and Astroparticle physics group (DPT) (1) §
- University of Geneva, Department of Mathematics (1) §
- University of Geneva, DQMP - Theory of Quantum Matter group (1) §
- University of Genoa, Physics Department (1) §
- University of Georgia, Department of Genetics
- University of Georgia, Insurance, Legal Studies and Real Estate
- University of Gothenburg, Institutionen för fysik (1) §
- University of Groningen, Van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity (2) §
- University of Guelph, AI Lab, School of Computer Science (1) §
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, CNS/PCSU
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Physics and Astronomy (3)
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy
- University of Heidelberg, Theoretical Physics
- The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law
- University of Hong Kong, School of English
- The University of Hong Kong, School of Humanities (1)
- The University of Hong Kong, The School of Public Health (1)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Physics (6)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The Grainger College of Engineering (2)
- University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy (1)
- University of Kentucky, Department of Physics & Astronomy (3)
- University of Lethbridge, Physics and Astronomy
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (1)
- University of Manchester, Department of Physics & Astronomy
- University of Maryland, Condensed Matter Theory Center §
- University of Maryland, Decision, Operations, & Information Technologies
- University of Maryland, Joint Quantum Institute/Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (3)
- University of Maryland, Joint Space-Science Institute (1) §
- University of Maryland, Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (1) §
- University of Maryland Baltimore, Department of Surgery/ Artifical Organs Lab §
- University of Massachusetts Amherst, Biomedical Engineering
- University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Biology
- University of Massachusetts Amherst, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Massachusetts Amherst, Physics (1)
- University of Massachusetts Amherst, Veterinary & Animal Sciences
- University of Massachusetts Boston, Computer Science
- University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School ¶
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Cluster Hire Program
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Animal Medicine
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Genomics and Computational Biology (1)
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Medicine (1)
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Microbiology
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Neurology
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Psychiatry (11)
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Department of Systems Biology
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Dermatology
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, EK Shriver Center
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Family Medicine & Community Health
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Graduate School Of Nursing
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology (1)
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Neurobiology
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Ophthalmology
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Pathology Department
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Program in Molecular Medicine
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Radiology/Nuclear Medicine
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, School of Medicine, Office of Educational Affairs
- ↳ University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, UMass Chan Fellowships
- University of Melbourne, School of Physics - Theoretical Particle Physics (1) §
- University of Miami, College of Engineering
- University of Michigan, Center for the Study of Complex Systems
- University of Michigan, High Energy Theory and Cosmology Groups (1) §
- University of Michigan, Ross School of Business ¶
- University of Michigan, Technology & Operations
- University of Milano Bicocca, Physics Department "G. Occhialini" (1) §
- University of Minnesota, Biomedical Engineering (1)
- University of Minnesota, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development (1)
- University of Minnesota, Electrical and Computer Engineering (4)
- University of Minnesota, School of Physics and Astronomy Searches (2)
- University of Nebraska - Lincoln, BPAC Business Center
- University of New Mexico, Center for Quantum Information and Control §
- University of Northern British Columbia, Bernier Research Group (1) §
- University of Notre Dame, Department of Physics and Astronomy (1)
- University of Nova Gorica, SMASH
- University of Oklahoma, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Oklahoma, Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy (1)
- University of Oklahoma, Moussa-Lab at School of Computer Science (1) §
- University of Oregon ¶
- ↳ University of Oregon, Ballmer Institute for Children's Behavioral Health
- ↳ University of Oregon, Ballmer Institute for Children’s Behavioral Health (1)
- ↳ University of Oregon, Chemistry
- ↳ University of Oregon, Department of Computer Science (1)
- ↳ University of Oregon, Department of Data Science
- ↳ University of Oregon, Department of Earth Sciences
- ↳ University of Oregon, Department of English
- ↳ University of Oregon, Department of Human Physiology
- ↳ University of Oregon, Department of Political Science
- ↳ University of Oregon, Department of Psychology
- ↳ University of Oregon, Economics
- ↳ University of Oregon, Environmental Studies
- ↳ University of Oregon, Institute of Neuroscience
- ↳ University of Oregon, Journalism
- ↳ University of Oregon, NeuroAI Center §
- ↳ University of Oregon, Physics
- ↳ University of Oregon, Religious Studies Department
- ↳ University of Oregon, School of Journalism and Communication (1)
- University of Oxford, All Souls College
- University of Oxford, Department of Physics
- University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute
- University of Oxford, Mathematical Physics Group §
- University of Oxford, Theoretical Physics
- University of Pennsylvania, Department of Physics and Astronomy (2) §
- University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School (2)
- University of Pittsburgh, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- University of Pittsburgh, Dai's group, Department of Physics and Astronomy (1) §
- University of Pittsburgh, Department of Neuroscience/Neural Dynamics and Computation group §
- University of Pittsburgh, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (2)
- University of Pittsburgh, PITT PACC (1) §
- University of Redlands, Library (2)
- University of Richmond, Computer Science (1)
- University of Rochester, Dept of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Rochester, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Santiago de Compostela, IGFAE - Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (4)
- University of Santiago de Compostela, String Theory group (1) §
- University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Division of optics and cold atom physics (1) §
- University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Shanghai Institute of Advanced Study (1) §
- University of Siegen, Physics Department, TP1 (1)
- University of South Carolina, Health Services Policy and Management (2)
- University of South Carolina, Physics and Astronomy (1)
- University of South Dakota, Physics (1) §
- University of Southern California, Department of Chemistry (1)
- University of Southern California, Department of English
- University of Southern California, Department of Physics and Astronomy, High Energy Theory Group (1) §
- University of Southern California, Engineering in Society Program
- University of Southern California, Physics and Astronomy (1)
- University of Southern California, Zhuang Group, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering (1) §
- University of Southern Denmark, IMADA - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (1)
- University of Stuttgart, Department of Mathematics - IMNG-mst §
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Physics & Astronomy (1)
- University of Texas at Arlington, Intensity Frontier §
- University of Texas at Austin, Center for Gravitational Physics (2) §
- University of Texas at Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs (1)
- The University of Texas at Austin, Physics (1)
- University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Physics (1)
- University of Texas at San Antonio, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1)
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Biochemistry
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Peter O'Donnell Jr. School of Public Health (4)
- University of the Witwatersrand, Center for Theoretical Physics/School of Physics (2) §
- The University of Tokyo, Center for Coproduction of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
- University of Tokyo, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (2)
- University of Tokyo, Tokyo College
- University of Torino, Physics (1) §
- University of Toronto, Computer & Mathematical Sciences
- University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science
- University of Toronto, Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics §
- University of Toronto, High energy phenomenology group (1) §
- University of Toronto, Physics
- University of Toronto, Statistical Sciences
- University of Toronto, Toronto Computational Imaging Group §
- University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Mathematical & Computational Sciences
- University of Trento, Department of Physics
- University of Utah, Physics (1) §
- University of Vermont, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (6)
- University of Victoria, Chemistry
- University of Victoria, Department of Computer Science (1)
- University of Victoria, Department of Mechanical Engineering (1)
- University of Victoria, Theoretical Physics Group, Dept of Physics & Astronomy (1) §
- University of Washington, A3D3 (1) §
- University of Washington, Department of Physics (6)
- University of Washington, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Washington, Physics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (1)
- University of Washington, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
- University of Washington Tacoma, School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
- University of Waterloo, Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics (1) §
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, College of Engineering (1)
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Data Science Institute §
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Chemistry (1)
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Physics, High Energy Theory (1) §
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Dept. of Computer Sciences (5)
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, High Energy Physics (1) §
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Otten Group (1) §
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center
- University of Wyoming, School of Computing (1)
- University of Zurich, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning (1)
- University of Zurich, Department of Physics (4)
- University Paul Sabatier, Physics §
- Uppsala University, Theoretical Physics Division (2) §
- USI Lugano, Departement of Economics (IdEP)
- Vanderbilt University, Divinity School
- Vanderbilt University, Physics & Astronomy
- Vanderbilt University, Political Science (2)
- Vector Institute
- Virginia Tech, Physics
- Virginia Tech, Physics/Experimental Nuclear Physics Group §
- Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech National Security Institute §
- Wake Forest University, Department of Statistical Sciences (2)
- Waseda University, Waseda Center for a Carbon Neautral Society
- Washington State University, School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
- Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Washington University in St. Louis, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
- Washington University in St. Louis, Physics Department (6)
- Wayne State University, Nuclear Theory Group (1) §
- Weill Cornell Medicine, Radiology (1)
- Weizmann Inst. of Sci., Department of Condensed Matter Physics (1) §
- Weizmann Inst. of Sci., Particle Physics and Astrophysics (1) §
- Weizmann Institute of Science, Quantum Materials Transport Lab - Department of Condensed Matter Physics (2) §
- Wellesley College, Physics and Astronomy
- Wesleyan University, Computer Science (1)
- Western University, Computer Science Department (2)
- Westlake University, School of Engineering
- William & Mary, Physics
- Xavier University, Department of Computer Science
- Yale University, Department of Physics, Particle Theory (1) §
- Yale University, Institute for the Foundations of Data Science (1)
- Yale University, School of Management (1)
- Yale University, Wu Tsai Institute (1)
- Yale University, Yale Physics (3) §
- Yau Mathematical Sciences Center(YMSC) (4)
- Yeshiva University, Sy Syms School of Business (1)
- York College - CUNY, Experimental HEP §
- York University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- York University, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2)
¶=institutional memberships, §=small research groups, ‡ 1110 active job ads