Job Listings
All, Chiral Perturbation(1), Dark Matter(2), Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)(3), Dense Quark Matter(4), EFT(2), Exotic Nuclei(2), Experimental Nuclear Physics(4), hadronic physics(4), hadronic structure; Nuclear structure; Lattice QCD;(3), Heavy-ion collisions(4), High-Energy Physics(4), High-Energy QCD, Parton Saturation(3), Lattice QCD(3), Light-front Physics(2), Low-energy nuclear theory(1), nucl-ex,hep-ex categories(3), Nuclear & Particle Theory(1), Nuclear and Particle Theory, Dark Matter(1), Nuclear astrophysics(2), nuclear instrumentation or radiation detection, nuclear engineering, experimental nuclear or particle physics(1), Nuclear Physics(2), Nuclear structure and reactions(1), Perturbative QCD(2), QCD(2) ...more...
IFIC, Univ. Valencia-CSIC, Physics Department
- [POSTDOC1] Postdoctoral Positions in Particle, Nuclear and Medical Physics at IFIC (deadline 2024/12/15 11:59PM)
Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
- [PO] Postdoctoral Fellows (deadline 2024/12/13 09:00AM*)
(2 positions listed)