Ecole Normale Supérieure, Department of Physics

669 18870
Position ID:
ENS-Department of Physics-JRC2022 [#18870, JRC2022]
Position Title: 
Junior Research Chair
Position Type:
Position Location:
Paris, Ile de France 75005, France
Subject Areas: 
Statistical Physics
Theoretical Physics
String Theory and Mathematical Physics
Quantum Condensed Matter Theory (more...)
Appl Deadline:
2021/10/31 11:59PMhelp popup* finished (2021/07/14, finished 2022/02/01, listed until 2021/10/31)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Three post-doctoral positions

The physics department of ENS invites applications for three independent postdoctoral positions in theoretical physics as Junior Research Chair holders (JRC),

- One JRC position is funded by the LabEx ENS-ICFP, and integrated into the physics department and its research laboratories, LPENS and LKB.

- Two JRC positions are funded by the Philippe Meyer Institute for theoretical physics. The successful candidates will be affiliated to this Institute, while also fully integrated into the physics department of ENS.

Position Description

Initial appointments are for two years with a possible extension for a third year. In addition to an internationally competitive salary, we offer an attractive travel allowance. The physics department of ENS aims at recruiting outstanding candidates with international experience. All domains of theoretical physics will be considered but projects within the following fields are particularly encouraged. If possible, a connection with experiments of the physics department will be welcome.

- Theoretical particle and astro-particle physics

- Field and string theory

- Astrophysics

- Statistical physics

- Quantum physics: from atoms to condensed matter

- Condensed matter theory

- Biophysics

- Information theory

Application file

Applications are common to all three positions and shall be done on AcademicJobsOnline website, including: Cover letter, Resume including list of publications, Research statement taking into account possible interactions with research groups / faculty within ENS Physics Department (maximum four A4 pages) and three letters of recommendation from senior scientists.


Closing date: October 31, 2021

Short-listed candidates will be interviewed via videoconference early December 2021.

Offers will be sent end of December 2021, for a position starting in September/October 2022.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:

Further Info:
email address
Sarah Reemers
LabEx Manager
Département de Physique, Ecole normale supérieure
24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France