Trinity College Dublin, Hamilton Mathematics Institute

Position ID:
TCD-HMI-PRF [#23752]
Position Title: 
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Position Type:
Position Location:
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Subject Area: 
Physics / HEP-Lattice (hep-lat)
Appl Deadline:
2022/12/16 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2022/11/16, finished 2023/06/17, listed until 2023/05/16)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
The lattice field theory group at Trinity College Dublin invites applications for up to two postdoctoral researcher positions. The positions are for 2+1 years with an expected start date is the 1st of September 2023.

The group comprises Profs. Patrick Fritzsch, Mike Peardon, Sinéad Ryan and Stefan Sint as well as postdocs and students. Our research interests include hadron spectroscopy with a focus on heavy quark physics, precision determination of QCD parameters and the development of new algorithms for simulations. Candidates will be expected to contribute to a research project focusing on hadron spectroscopy at zero and finite temperature.

To apply please provide a cover letter, CV, research statement, publication list and up to three reference letters. Salary will be in line with the Irish University Association pay scales according to experience and career stage.

Informal inquiries are welcome to Prof Sinéad Ryan at

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Hamilton Mathematics Institute
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2