Stanford University, SLAC, Departments of Photon Science and of Particle Physics & Astrophysics
Position Description
The Particle Physics &
Astrophysics (PPA) Department at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Stanford
University seeks applicants in an open-ranked search in elementary particle
theory. Early career and mid-career applicants for positions at the untenured
or tenured level are especially encouraged to apply. The search welcomes applications from
candidates working broadly within all areas of elementary particle theory, but
with two focus areas: physics
Beyond-the-Standard-Model at colliders and beyond; and Precision Collider
Theory. The successful applicant will
lead a research program in theoretical elementary particle physics, supervise
graduate students and research associates, and engage with SLAC, DOE and international
experimental programs.
The SLAC Elementary Particle
Physics theory group conducts a wide range of research in particle theory,
including collider phenomenology, QCD, amplitudes, dark matter and neutrino
research. It resides within the Fundamental Physics Directorate at SLAC, which
includes experimental efforts on the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, multiple dark
matter direct detection experiments, and the Kavli Institute for Particle
Astrophysics and Cosmology. Accelerator
and experimental physicists at SLAC are engaged with designing future frontier
colliders. There are many opportunities for interaction and collaboration with
a variety of experimental efforts at SLAC.
All applicants must have a Ph.D. in
Physics or a related subject field.
Applicants should send materials to the search committee through
AcademicJobsOnline. These materials should include a cover letter, a curriculum
vitae (including a publication list),
and a research statement. The
research statement (three pages maximum) should include a brief summary of
their expected research program. We encourage applicants, as a component of
their research statement, to discuss their experience and approach to mentoring.
At least three and no more than five letters of reference should be submitted
as part of the application.
and Stanford University value faculty who are committed to advancing diversity,
equity, and inclusion. Candidates may optionally include as part of their
research statement a brief discussion of how they will further these goals.
Review of applications will begin
on Dec. 3, 2024; later applications may be considered at the discretion of the
search committee.
Stanford is an equal employment
opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will
receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability,
protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Stanford welcomes applications from all who would bring additional dimensions
to the University's research, teaching
and clinical missions.
The expected base pay range, depending on rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor), is in the range of $180 - $300K per annum based on a 12 month salary.
Application Materials Required:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
Further Info: