To set up an account for your college/department/group to post jobs or to view the applicant list, please follow these steps:
FAQs (180) or Contact Us.
Sometimes email messages from us
could end up in your spam folder; please look there if you
expect a message from us.
Click to login if you are using a public unsecure machine, or login for bad proxy.
Please contact us if you have any accessibility problems with the site.
- Login using your email address and password assigned by your group manager. Contact your group manager or reset it yourself if you don't remember your password.
- You'll see the Application List after login, which you can sort, search, review applications and perform many other functions.
- Want more applicants for your jobs? check out the Free Agents List.

Adherence to institutional recruitment standards
Please note that each employer account is operated independently by the staff of the employing institution. Staff at the employing institution are responsible for setting up all job descriptions, questions, forms and access according to the needs of their department and the recruiting standards of their institution under the guidance of their institution's employment officers. We recommends that, at least annually, the person in charge of hiring should review each account for compliance with such standards and guidance. Technical questions about using the system are welcome and may be sent to
Please note that each employer account is operated independently by the staff of the employing institution. Staff at the employing institution are responsible for setting up all job descriptions, questions, forms and access according to the needs of their department and the recruiting standards of their institution under the guidance of their institution's employment officers. We recommends that, at least annually, the person in charge of hiring should review each account for compliance with such standards and guidance. Technical questions about using the system are welcome and may be sent to