Central China Normal University, Physics

Position ID:
CCNU-Physics-PDLQCD [#27123]
Position Title: 
Postdoctoral position in the Lattice QCD Group at CCNU in 2024
Position Type:
Position Location:
Wuhan, Hubei 430079, China
Subject Areas: 
Nuclear Theory
Machine Learning / Machine Learning
lattice gauge theory
Appl Deadline:
none (posted 2024/02/06)
Position Description:

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
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Position Description

Postdoctoral position in the Lattice QCD Group at CCNU in 2024

A postdoctoral position is open in the lattice QCD group at Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) of Central China Normal University (CCNU), Wuhan, China.

The lattice QCD group at CCNU currently consists of 12 members: one faculty (Prof. Heng-Tong Ding), one staff engineer (Dr. Sheng-Tai Li), two postdoctoral scientists, six PhD and two master students. The lattice QCD group at CCNU has a dedicated local computing cluster(~4 PFlops/s peak performance).

The focus of the lattice group is on the study of QCD at non-zero temperature and density. Topics of interests include: QCD transition at low net-baryon number density, QCD in external magnetic fields, application of machine learning in LQCD etc.

The applicant should have a doctoral degree or expect to receive a doctoral degree in physics before the starting of the appointment. The starting date can be as early as spring of 2024 and is negotiable. The appointment is initially for two years with a possible extension for a third year depending on the performance and the funding situation.

The application materials should include: 1) a curriculum vitae with a list of publications 2) 2 or 3 recommendation letters 3) a statement of research

Our university provides a competitive salary and also subsidizes a fully-furnished apartment for each postdoc. Competitive support and funding for research and travel will be provided as well.

Review of the application will start on Feb. 16, 2024 and will continue until the positions are filled. Informal inquiries are welcome.

Inquiries can be sent to: Heng-Tong Ding, hengtong.ding@ccnu.edu.cn

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Publication list
  • Two or more reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)

Further Info:
email address
Luoyu Road 152, Wuhan, Central China Normal University