INFN, Pisa + Firenze + Roma3
Physics / Astroparticle Physics, collider physics, Dark Matter, HEP-Phenomenology (hep-ph), High Energy Physics, High Energy Theory, Particle Theory, Theoretical high energy physics, Theoretical Particle Physics
High Energy Physics / BSM, Dark Matter, Flavor Physics, Phenomenology, Theoretical Particle Physics, Higgs physics, accelerator, cosmology
Particle and Astroparticle Phenomenology
Particle Physics / Phenomenology, Dark Matter (more...)
*** this fellowship has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
The particle physics phenomenology groups of Pisa, Firenze, and Roma are expecting to open several postdoctoral positions with a starting date in autumn 2024 (earlier appointments are also possible), and duration of 2 years.
The positions will be awarded in the context of a joint research grant between INFN and the universities of Roma Tre and Padova, with main focus on particle physics phenomenology and in particular dark matter, flavour physics, collider physics, and physics at high-intensity experiments. More generally, the research interests of our groups cover a broader variety of topics in theoretical physics, including BSM physics in general, astroparticle physics, cosmology, and quantum field theory.
Each position will be based either in Pisa, Firenze, or Rome, but there will be opportunities for close interaction and collaboration between the groups. Applicants will be considered eligible for all the positions, but preferences for one or more institutions can be expressed in the “Research interests” section of the application form, or in the cover letter.
Potential candidates should submit their CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and have three letters of recommendation uploaded through the Academic Jobs Online portal. For full consideration all the material should be received by January 7, 2024.
For further information about the members of the groups and their research interests:
Pisa (INFN)
The position will be fully integrated in the theory groups at INFN, University of Pisa, and Scuola Normale Superiore:
A close interaction with the many experimental groups present at INFN is also possible and strongly encouraged.
Members of the particle physics group (SNS, INFN, University of Pisa): D. Buttazzo (contact person), P. Panci, A. Strumia, E. Trincherini, G. Pimentel, D. Barducci, D. Gaggero, and several postdocs and PhD students.
Firenze (INFN):
The position is jointly offered by the theoretical physics groups at INFN and University of Firenze, with close connections with the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI). Interactions with the experimental groups in Florence will also be encouraged. Further information can be found at:
Members of the particle physics and cosmology group (INFN, University of Florence): D. Redigolo (contact person), M. Redi, M. Simonovic, A. Tesi, G. Panico, and S. De Curtis.
Rome (University and INFN Roma Tre):
The position will be offered by the theory group at University Roma Tre and INFN Roma Tre:
Collaborations with the experimental groups ( present at the University and INFN is also possible and strongly encouraged.
Members of the particle physics phenomenology group at University and INFN Roma Tre: Roberto Franceschini (contact person), Giuseppe Degrassi, Davide Meloni (theories beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, precision electroweak and collider physics at LHC and future colliders, precision Standard Model phenomenology and direct and indirect searches for new physics) and Marco Ciuchini, Vittorio Lubicz, Silvano Simula and Cecilia Tarantino (Lattice QCD Studies and Flavor Physics).
Application Materials Required:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site )
Further Info: