Job Listings  

All, Astronomy(1), Astrophysics(6), Astrophysics and Gravitational Physics(4), Black holes(4), Computational Astrophysics(1), Cosmology(3), Dark Matter(3), Gravitational Waves(5), High Energy Astrophysics(3), Instrumentation/Observation/Experiment(1), mathematics(1), Neutrino Astronomy(3), Numerical Astrophysics(1), Numerical Simulations(1), particle astrophysics(3), Physics(2), Planet formation(1), Relativity(3), Theoretical Astrophysics(3), Theoretical Physics / Astrophysics, Cosmology, Gravitational waves, Particle physics (theoretical and experimental) Physics / Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics (astro-ph), Astrophysics Theory, Cosmology, Dark Matter, Elementary Particle Physics, Element(4)

City University of Hong Kong, Physics

  1. [PHD] PhD Position in Astrophysics and Particle Physics (deadline 2024/11/10 11:59PM)
2034 0

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Physics

  1. [PD] 2024 Postdoctoral Research Position in Numerical Relativity and Strong Field Gravity (deadline 2024/12/01 11:59PM)

University of Kentucky, Department of Physics & Astronomy

  1. [PDF] Postdoctoral Researcher in Nuclear and Particle Theory and Phenomenology (deadline 2025/02/10 11:59PM)

University of Southern California, Physics and Astronomy

  1. [COSMOPOSTDOC2025] Postdoctoral Position in theoretical and computational cosmology, and astroparticle physics

(4 positions listed)