Fudan University, Department of Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics Group
Position ID:
Position Title:
postdoctoral position in theoretical particle physics
Position Type:
Position Location:
Shanghai 200438, China
Subject Areas:
Physics / HEP-Phenomenology (hep-ph), HEP-Theory (hep-th), Particle Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics
Appl Deadline:
2025/07/01 11:59PM (posted 2024/11/02)
Position Description:
Position Description
The theoretical particle physics group at the Department of Physics, Fudan University (Shanghai, China) invites applications for one or more postdoctoral positions starting from Fall 2025. The positions are for two years, with a possible extension for one additional year upon mutual agreement. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics or related areas prior to the time of employment. Preferences will be given to those with experiences in collider phenomenology, machine learning, effective field theories, positivity bounds, scattering amplitudes and their applications to classical gravitational systems. Review of applications will begin in December 2024 and continue until the positions are filled. For more information, please contact Jiayin Gu at jiayin_gu@fudan.edu.cn and Fei Teng at f_teng@fudan.edu.cn. General information about postdoctoral positions at the Department of Physics, Fudan University can also be found at http://phys.fudan.edu.cn/7564/list.htm (in Chinese).Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site )
Further Info:
Department of Physics
Fudan University
2005 Songhu Road
Shanghai, China
Fudan University
2005 Songhu Road
Shanghai, China