Job Listings
All, Data Science(2), Electric Vehicles(1), Interdisciplinary Arts(1)
Lehigh University, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- [IDEV] Assistant or Untenured Associate Professor in Interdisciplinary Engineering / Electric Vehicles (deadline 2024/12/13 11:59PM)
RIKEN, interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS)
- [RS] Seeking a few Postdoctoral Researchers or Research Scientists (W24214)
- [RSSRS] Seeking a few Research Scientists or Senior Research Scientists (W24168) (making offers)
- [RSSRS1] Seeking a few Research Scientists or Senior Research Scientists
- [RSSRS3] Seeking a few Research Scientists or Senior Research Scientists(W24208)
University of Chicago, Department of the Geophyical Sciences
- [EXPERIMENTAL] Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor - Experimental aspects of Climate Systems Engineering environmental geoscience
- [SIP2024] Senior Instructional Professor (open rank), Department of the Geophysical Sciences
(9 positions listed)