Job Listings  

Ohio State University, Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics

  1. [POSTDOC] CCAPP Postdoctoral Fellow (2024/12/01 11:59PM)

Ohio State University, Chemistry and Biochemistry

  1. new posting[APOC] Assistant Professor, Organic Chemistry
  2. new posting[APTPC] Assistant Professor, Theoretical Physical Chemistry

Ohio State University, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology

  1. new posting[APBDS] Assistant Professor, Biodiversity Scientist
  2. new posting[FAPC] Full/Associate Professor and Chair
  3. new posting[MOBD] Musuem of Biodiversity Director
1191 0

Ohio State University, Microbiology

  1. new posting[APMB] Assistant Professor of Microbiology
1221 0

Ohio State University, Molecular Genetics

  1. new posting[APMG] Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics
  2. new posting[APTP] Assistant Professor of Teaching Practice

Ohio State University, Physics

  1. new posting[AAPEEP] Assistant or Associate Professor in Experimental Electronics Physics
  2. new posting[AAPITNPA] Assistant or Associate Professor at the Intersection of Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
  3. new posting[ABRTPCP] Andrei Baronov and Ratmir Timashev Professorship in Chemical Physics

Ohio State University, Statistics

  1. new posting[OFSAAR] Open Faculty Search, Statistics: All Areas of Research

(13 positions listed)