Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Position ID:
Position Title:
Postdoc-Theory, Particle and Nuclear Division, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, SJTU
Position Type:
Position Location:
Shanghai, Shanghai 200241, China
Subject Area:
Appl Deadline:
2025/01/10 11:59PM (posted 2024/08/30, listed until 2025/01/22)
Position Description:
Position Description
The theory group in the Particle and Nuclear Division of the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) [http://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn] invites applications for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in theoretical particle and nuclear physics and cosmology. Current research areas in the group include physics beyond the Standard Model, neutrino and flavor physics theory and phenomenology, early universe quantum field theory and applications to baryogenesis and dark matter, quantum chromodynamics and lattice gauge theory, effective field theory, and nuclear astrophysics. Group members include Profs. Jason Evans, Shao-Feng Ge, Sophia Han, Hong-Jian He, Xiao-Gang He, Yuichiro Nakai, Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Luca Visinelli, and Frank Wilczek; and roughly 20 post-docs and Ph.D. students. The group interacts closely with TDLI and SJTU colleagues leading efforts in experimental searches for dark matter (PandaX); tests of neutrino properties (Daya Bay, JUNO, PandaX-III for neutrinoless double beta decay, and IceCube); precision tests (muon g-2); studies of high energy collisions at the LHC (ATLAS) and prospective future colliders (CEPC/SppC); and related theoretical efforts. The division has an active visitor program and co-organizes several conferences and workshops throughout the year. The initial appointment is for 2+1years, starting from the fall of 2025, and a further 3-year appointment is also possible on mutual agreement. The TDLI offers a competitive salary (comparable to same-level positions in USA). Exceptional candidates will be considered for the TDLI Post-doctoral Fellowships, which can also provide 100,000CNY in start-up funds. All post-docs will have the opportunity and be supported to apply for external research funding. Applications should be submitted through Academic Jobs Online system and must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae including information on date of birth and date of receiving the PhD degree, research statement, publication list, and at least three reference letters. The deadline is January 10, 2025 and applications received before this date will receive full consideration. TDLI has an international environment with English as its working language and invites candidates of all nationalities. The TDLI seeks to promote equal opportunity and diversity in physics. Members of under-represented groups in physics are particularly encouraged to apply. For inquiries about the position and TDLI, please contact Ms. Zi Yang(hep.tdli@sjtu.edu.cn) and Prof. Shao-Feng Ge (gesf@sjtu.edu.cn). You can also approach any of the faculty members for inquiries.Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site )
And anything else requested in the position description.
Further Info: