Job Listings  

All, All areas(9), Applied Math/Optimization(1), Artificial Intelligence(2), Artificial intelligence and machine learning(1), Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning(1), Computational Perception(1), Computational Science(1), computer animation and virtual environments(1), Computer Architecture(1), Computer Graphics(1) ...more...

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, School of Data Science

  1. [TEP1] Faculty Openings : Teaching-stream positions (all ranks)
  2. [TP1] Faculty Openings: Tenured or tenure-track positions (all ranks)

Cornell University, Computer Science

  1. new posting[PROFITHACA] Tenured, Tenure-Track (2024/12/01 11:59PM)

Ithaca College, Department of Computer Science

  1. [AP] Assistant Professor (2024/10/14 11:59PM)

National Taiwan University, Computer Science and Information Engineering

  1. [NTUCSIE2025] NTU CSIE Faculty Positions
870 0

Pomona College, Computer Science

  1. [AP] Assistant Professor of Computer Science and an Open-Rank (assistant, associate, or full) Professor of Computer Science (2024/10/06 11:59PM)

University of Richmond, Computer Science

  1. [TENURE] Assistant Professor of Computer Science (2024/10/18 11:59PM)
1930 0

University of Wisconsin - Madison, Dept. of Computer Sciences

  1. [FAC288764] Professor (2025/01/29 11:59PM)
740 0

Wesleyan University, Computer Science

  1. [AP2024] Assistant Professor of Computer Science (2024/10/15 11:59PM)

(9 positions listed)