Job Listings  

Koç University, Academic and Life Skills (ALIS) Instructor

  1. [INSTRUCTOR] Full-time Instructor (accepting applications)

Koç University, Academic Writing

  1. [INSTRUCTOR] Full-Time Academic Writing Instructor Position

Koç University, Dept. of Chemical and Biological Eng.

  1. [CHBI2024] Faculty Position in Chemical and Biological Engineering (deadline 2024/10/01 11:59PM)

Koç University, Dept. of Chemistry

  1. [JUNIORFACULTYPOSITIONS] Assistant Professor (2024/12/30 11:59PM)

Koç University, Dept. of Computer Engineering

  1. [COMP2025] Faculty Position in Computer Engineering (2025/01/20 11:59PM)

Koç University, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng.

  1. [ELEC2025] Faculty Position in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2024/12/20 11:59PM)

Koç University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering

  1. [INDR2024] Faculty Position in Industrial Engineering (2025/03/31 11:59PM)

Koç University, Dept. of Mechanical Eng.

  1. [MECHANICALENGINEERING] Full-time Faculty Position in Mechanical Engineering (2025/02/15 11:59PM*)
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Koç University, Dept. of Physics

  1. [TENURETRACKFACULTY] Full-Time Faculty Positions in Physics (2025/01/15 11:59PM)

Koç University, Finance

  1. [OPEN] Open-Rank Tenure-Track Faculty Position (2025/01/15 11:59PM)

Koç University, Media and Visual Arts

  1. new posting[OPENRANK] Full-time faculty position(s) of any rank in Media and Communications (accepting applications)
  2. new posting[OPENRANK1] Full-time faculty position(s) of any rank in design or interactive arts (accepting applications)

Koç University, Molecular Biology and Genetics


Koç University, Psychology

  1. new posting[ASSTPROFASSOCPROF1] Full-time faculty positions in Psychology (2025/01/24 11:59PM*)

Koç University, Sociology

  1. new posting[ASSTPROF] Full-time assistant professor faculty position in Sociology (2025/01/31 11:59PM*)

(15 positions listed)