James McKeen Cattell Fund

Award ID:
James McKeen Cattell Fund-CATTELL2 [#22086]
Award Title: 
James McKeen Cattell Sabbatical Award
Durham, North Carolina 27708, United States
Subject Area: 
Psychology / all areas, including neuroscience
Appl Deadline:
finished (2022/11/01, finished 2023/08/05, listed until 2023/01/31)

*** this award has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

For over half a century, the James McKeen Cattell Fund has provided support for the science and the application of psychology. The Fund offers a program of supplementary sabbatical awards ("James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowships"). These awards supplement the regular sabbatical allowance provided by the recipients' home institutions, to allow an extension of leave-time from one to two semesters.

The James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowships for psychologists provide funds to supplement the regular sabbatical allowance provided by the recipients' home institutions. The maximum award is limited to the lesser of (1) half the recipient's salary for the academic year, (2) an amount less than half salary that will bring the total of the university allowance plus the award up to the individual's normal academic-year salary, or (3) a ceiling of $40,000.

Eligibility Requirements: 1) James McKeen Cattell Fund awards are available to psychologists who are faculty members at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, and are eligible, according to the regulations of their own institutions, for a sabbatical leave or its equivalent. 2) Candidates are eligible for a Cattell Award if they are currently tenured or will have formal University or College confirmation that they will be tenured by the beginning of the sabbatical period for the applicable academic year. 3) Candidates are eligible for a Cattell Award if they have not had a leave with pay for the 5 years preceding the requested sabbatical leave (medical or pregnancy leaves are considered exceptions). For the purposes of this award we consider a leave with pay as any funded leave that allows a faculty member to spend all of their time on research without administrative or teaching responsibilities. 4) Prior recipients of a Cattell Fund Award are not eligible. 5) To be eligible for this year's awards, candidates must begin their sabbatical after July 1, 2022, and must not be on sabbatical at any time during the Academic Year 2021-2022. 6) Recipients are requested to submit to the Secretary/Treasurer a brief report of their activities as soon as possible after the end of their sabbaticals.

The deadline for submission is January 15 of the academic year preceding that in which the applicant expects to be on leave. Applicants will receive a notification of the Trustees' decisions on or before March 1.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
And anything else requested in the description.

Further Info:
email address
James McKeen Cattell Fund
c/o Christina L. Williams, Ph.D.
Duke University
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Genome Sciences Research Building II, 3rd Floor
572 Research Drive
Box 91050
Durham, NC 27708