Harvey Mudd College, Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment

Position ID:
Position Title: 
Assistant Professor of Climate and Computer Science
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Claremont, California 91711, United States
Subject Areas: 
Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Computer Science
Climate Change, Urban Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Climate (more...)
Appl Deadline:
2022/10/19 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2022/08/03, finished 2023/04/20)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Harvey Mudd College invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning fall 2023. Exceptional candidates at higher ranks will also be considered. The position is jointly held through the Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment (HCCE) and the Department of Computer Science. All areas in computer science that align with the HCCE goals will be considered, with preference given to candidates who can significantly contribute to our course offerings and build a shared vision for climate and environmental studies at a liberal arts college of science and engineering. 

Harvey Mudd College is a highly selective liberal arts college of science, engineering and mathematics. It is located in Claremont, CA, which is approximately 35 miles east of Los Angeles, at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains. The college enrolls about 900 students, almost all of whom live on campus, and is a member of the Claremont Colleges, which comprises five undergraduate colleges, the Claremont Graduate University, and the Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences. Harvey Mudd College is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the recruitment of candidates that are historically underrepresented on college faculties. 

The Hixon Center for the Climate and the Environment is a new and fully funded campus initiative designed to be an interdisciplinary home for all campus efforts related to climate, sustainability, and environmental studies, including curricular programming, collaborative research, and connections to off-campus partners. The Hixon Center is developing a leading undergraduate climate program that is forward-looking, technically broad, and aligned with the mission of Harvey Mudd College

The Computer Science Department currently serves three major programs—the computer science major, the joint major in computer science and mathematics, and the joint major in mathematical and computational biology—totaling more than 120 students in each graduating class. By Fall 2023, the department expects to serve two additional major programs—a new joint major in computer science and physics as well a new joint major in climate and computer science, which will be jointly staffed by the HCCE and Computer Science Department. Among the department’s strengths are its success in recruiting women (who compose about half of both our faculty and our majors) to computer science, an innovative and rigorous curriculum that prepares students for both employment and graduate school, and an active research program that involves a substantial number of undergraduates. 

The teaching load is two courses per semester, plus supervision of one or two industry-supported senior capstone Computer Science Clinic projects per year. The faculty member's courses will be balanced between offerings made through the CS department and through the HCCE. All faculty at Harvey Mudd College contribute to the college’s Core Curriculum, which includes a first-year course in writing as well as a course centered on the relationship between science and society. 

Harvey Mudd College is committed to broadening participation in STEM fields. Therefore, among the criteria for appointment are experience with students from diverse backgrounds and/or the ability to teach those students effectively. 

The successful candidate will have a demonstrated commitment to developing excellence in teaching undergraduates and building a strong, independent research program. Preference will be given to candidates that can contribute to our undergraduate research activities, which include summer research. Successful candidates should have completed a Ph.D. by the time of appointment. 

Information and updated FAQ regarding this position is available on the faculty positions page of Harvey Mudd College. Applications for this position must be submitted through the AcademicJobsOnline website. Review of applications will begin Sept 19, 2022 and continue until the position is filled.  

Applicants should initially submit:

  • A 2-3 page cover letter. To further assist the search committee in its screening process, all cover letters should address your interest in the liberal arts and Harvey Mudd College in particular, and how you envision your research and teaching interests can contribute to curriculum serving an anticipated new joint major in climate science and computer science at the College. 
  • A current curriculum vitae  
After a brief initial screening process, applicants continuing in the search process will be given at least one week to submit: 
  • A statement about your teaching philosophy: describe principles, practices, or experiences that inform the way you teach (typically 2-3 pages). 
  • A statement about your intended research program, including how you would implement your research program at an undergraduate institution (typically 2-3 pages). 
  • A statement about diversity, equity, and inclusion: describe your interests, experiences, and future plans for promoting diversity and inclusion in your teaching, mentoring, and in your work as a scholar (typically 2-3 pages). 
  • The names of three individuals who can provide letters of recommendation. At least one letter writer should specifically address teaching. Letters will be requested by the search committee at the time that candidates are selected for phone interviews. 
  • Optionally, any additional materials candidates wish to share that demonstrate teaching effectiveness, limited to 5 pages. 
For further information or questions about the position contact: Prof. Lelia Hawkins (climate-cs-search-l@g.hmc.edu), Director of the Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment.

Harvey Mudd College is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer committed to providing a workplace free of discrimination, harassment, and disrespectful or other unprofessional conduct (HMC EEO/Nondiscrimination Statement).

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:

Further Info:
email address