Pitzer College, Office of the Dean of Faculty

Position ID:
Pitzer College-Office of the Dean of Faculty-TTEA [#23063]
Position Title: 
Assistant Professor of Environmental Analysis
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Claremont, California 91711, United States of America
Subject Area: 
Environmental Analysis
Appl Deadline:
2023/01/15 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2022/09/30, finished 2023/07/22, listed until 2023/01/15)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Position Description

The Environmental Analysis Field Group at Pitzer College seeks to recruit a tenure-track assistant professor position in environmental justice to contribute to our undergraduate curriculum. We seek candidates whose work on environmental justice analyzes the impacts of public policy among Indigenous peoples and/or communities of color, with preference for scholars focused on North America. We are interested in candidates who bring empirical, ethnographic, applied, and/or mixed methods approaches to the analysis of environmental racism, climate justice, economic policy, land sovereignty issues, energy policy, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and/or environmental regulation. We are interested in candidates whose research and teaching will focus on the analysis of and solutions to racial disparities and the intersections between climate and environmental quality issues in disadvantaged communities. Familiarity with social movements and a strong justice orientation is desired. Scholars working across the fields of environmental policy, Indigenous studies, ethnic studies, resource management, food systems, and/or land use policy are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will teach a section of Introduction to Environmental Analysis and may periodically offer a writing intensive first-year seminar.

Pitzer College has a strong institutional commitment to diversity in all areas and strongly encourages candidates from underrepresented groups. We favor candidates who can contribute to the College’s distinctive educational objectives, which promote interdisciplinary perspectives, intercultural understanding, and concern with social responsibility and the ethical implications of knowledge and action. Pitzer College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. For the successful applicant with the relevant interests, affiliations are possible with the intercollegiate departments of Africana Studies, Asian American Studies, Chican@/Latin@ Studies, and/or the Intercollegiate Feminist Center for Teaching, Research, and Engagement.

To apply, submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, selected evidence of excellence in teaching and research, statement of teaching philosophy, description of research, and three letters of recommendation. Additionally, candidates should include a separate statement that addresses how their cultural, experiential, and/or academic background contributes to the understanding of diversity at the College. Electronic documents are required in the following formats: MS Word or PDF.

The deadline for applying is 15/January/2023 or until the position is filled.

Questions may be directed to faculty_jobs@pitzer.edu

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Teaching statement
  • Selected Evidence of Excellence in Teaching
  • Diversity Statement
  • Letter of Application
  • Selected Evidence of Excellence in Research
  • Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
1050 N Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA