Position ID:
Position Title:
PhD student - experimental particle physics
Position Type:
Academic admissions
Position Location:
Zurich, Zurich 8057, Switzerland
Subject Area:
Appl Deadline:
finished (2022/10/20, finished 2023/10/21, listed until 2023/04/19)
Position Description:
We invite applications for a Ph.D. position at the University of Zurich in experimental particle physics research on the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We are interested in finding outstanding, strongly motivated candidates with the drive to pursue important research topics in particle physics.
Our CMS group is actively engaged in standard model measurements and searches for physics beyond the standard model, and machine-learning software, as well as designing, building, commissioning, and operating pixel detectors. The Ph.D. candidate can expect a broad particle physics education and will produce a Ph.D. dissertation based on a combination of CMS data analysis, and contributions to the phase 2 CMS pixel detector for the HL-LHC. Experience with particle detectors, computer programming, and physics analysis will be beneficial to the applicant during the selection process. A master's degree or diploma in physics and ideally some research experience in experimental particle physics are required. Good software skills are desirable. The ideal candidate will
have an interest in both data analysis and detector instrumentation and/or software. Proficiency in English is required. Ph.D. positions are fully funded according to Swiss salary requirements, and typically last 3-4 years.
Applicants should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, and publication list, and arrange two letters of recommendation to be uploaded by the reference writers.
Materials should be received by December 2nd, 2022. Complete applications will be considered immediately. Applications received after that date will be considered until the position is filled.
More information about the CMS group at the University of Zurich can be found at
Enquiries concerning the position can be made to Prof. Florencia Canelli (canelli@physik.uzh.ch).