Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute

Position ID:
SJTU-Tsung-Dao Lee Institute-QUANTUM_PP [#23434]
Position Title: 
Postdoc Positions in Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Optics
Position Type:
Position Location:
Shanghai, Shanghai 201210, China
Subject Areas: 
Physics / theoretical condensed matter physics, high energy physics or mathematical physics, Condensed Matter Theory
Appl Deadline:
finished (2022/10/24, finished 2024/03/02)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed. ***

Position Description

Qualification requirements

The quantum division of Tsung-Dao Lee Institute ( is seeking 1-2 highly motivated and talented candidates for a postdoc position working with Prof. Qingdong Jiang, focusing on a wide range of topics in theoretical physics.

A suitable background is a Ph.D. in theoretical physics specializing in theoretical condensed matter physics, quantum optics, high energy physics or mathematical physics. Excellent analytical capability is absolutely necessary and programming skills are wished for. A high level of personal motivation and team working skills is also crucial. Well-developed English language skills are required.

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI; in Shanghai, China, initiated by Professor Tsung-Dao Lee (Nobel Prize in Physics 1957), TDLI was founded in November 2016, with Professor Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics 2004) as its Founding Director, who is now the Chief Scientist of TDLI. Jie Zhang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is the current Director of TDLI. TDLI has an international environment with English as its working language and aims to become a leading research institute in physics and astronomy.

Terms of employment

The position involves full-time employment for a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years, with the possibility of extension under special circumstances. Start date as per agreement before 202412. The TDLI offers a competitive annual salary of up to 320,000 CNY including housing subsidies. Additional benefits are possible according to the performance of the applicant.




Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV (including a publication list), and a research statement (<4 pages), and arrange for two reference letters to be sent directly to Prof. Qingdong Jiang ( The successful applicant will be selected based on documented knowledge relevant to the area of study. The applicants are encouraged to provide supporting documents that substantiate their qualifications. References and interviews will be used to assess the qualifications of the applicants.

We are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please see the job description above on how to apply.
Contact: Prof. Qingdong Jiang
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, NO.520 Shengrong Road, Shanghai, 201210
Web Page: