Duke Kunshan University, Language and Culture Center

Position ID:
DukeKunshanUniv-Language and Culture Center-22FCLFACULTY [#23937]
Position Title: 
Faculty Position in Chinese language
Position Location:
Kunshan, Suzhou 215316, China
Subject Areas: 
Chinese Language
Language Instruction
Language, Literacy, and Learning
Languages / Language and Culture, Chinese
Appl Deadline:
finished (2022/12/05, finished 2023/09/18)
Position Description:

*** this position has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Position Description

Duke Kunshan University (DKU) invites applications for a faculty position (Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer, or Lecturer) teaching and coaching Chinese in the Language and Culture Center (LCC). 

The Language and Culture Center is responsible for offering language courses for undergraduate and graduate DKU programs, including courses in English for academic purposes, Chinese as a second language, written and oral communication, and additional languages. The LCC supports intercultural communication among students and faculty at DKU, helping facilitate the achievement of key institution-wide goals that include the development of students who can communicate lucidly and navigate successfully diverse cultures and languages. The position begins July 1, 2023.    

Qualifications (Assistant Professor – tenure track)


v  Terminal degree/Ph.D. in relevant field (e.g. Chinese language, East Asian Studies).

v  Chinese language teaching experience at the university level.

v  Solid record of scholarship.

v  Strong command of English.


v  Able to teach elective courses related to Chinese language (e.g. Classical Chinese, history of Chinese, languages of China, Chinese in East Asia, Chinese linguistics).

v  Knowledge of Classical Chinese and/or other varieties of Chinese (e.g. Cantonese, Shanghainese, Suzhounese).

v  Knowledge of additional languages, especially East Asian languages (e.g. Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese).

v  Background in intercultural communication. 

Qualifications (Lecturer or Senior Lecturer – non-tenure track)


v  Graduate degree in relevant field (e.g. Chinese language, East Asian Studies).

v  Chinese language teaching experience at the university level.

v  Strong command of English.


v  Knowledge of Classical Chinese and/or other varieties of Chinese (e.g. Cantonese, Shanghainese, Suzhounese).

v  Knowledge of additional languages, especially East Asian languages (e.g. Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese).

v  Background in intercultural communication. 

Applicants should provide a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and a teaching/research statement, and should arrange to have three letters of reference submitted. All materials should be submitted through Academic Jobs Online: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23937.   Questions about the position may be sent to lcc-search@dukekunshan.edu.cn using “Faculty Position in Chinese Language” as the subject line. Priority will be given to applications received by March 1, 2023; applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  

DKU is a collaborative partnership of Duke University, Wuhan University and the Municipality of Kunshan, China (https://dukekunshan.edu.cn/).  Our campus provides an innovative and robustly interdisciplinary undergraduate liberal arts experience to a student body that will number 2000 students and 150+ faculty, with an acceptance rate of <8% and a student body represented by over 60 countries. We also offer a number of Master’s level graduate programs. The DKU pedagogical model draws on the best of Duke’s educational experience and resources to reimagine undergraduate instruction in an intimate campus setting.

The DKU campus is 37 miles west of Shanghai in Kunshan, and is connected to Shanghai via an 18-minute high-speed train and a subway-light rail train system. DKU provides internationally competitive compensation, housing allowance, child education benefits (for applicable faculty positions), and a discretionary fund or start-up package.  

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • teaching/research statement
  • Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
Duke Kunshan University | 昆山杜克大学
中国江苏省昆山市杜克大道8号 邮编:215316
No. 8 Duke Avenue, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China 215316