Multiple Postdoctoral Opportunities Available at Tsinghua University
1. PostDoc positions: Noise in quantum computation and quantum Many-body systems
One or two postdoctoral researcher positions in theoretical quantum computation and quantum many-body physics, especially about noise effect and mitigation schemes, are available in Prof. Dong E. Liu’s group (at Tsinghua University), beginning in the late fall of 2023 or spring of 2024. The successful candidate will be expected to perform theoretical and/or numerical studies in one of following topics: 1) the relation between non-equilibrium statistics mechanics of quantum many-body systems and fault-tolerant quantum computation; 2) strong correction, disorder, thermalization/relaxation mechanisms, and topological effects in the quantum many body systems systems with noisy environments.
Please refer to recent research highlight of our group at
Required Qualifications
• PhD in theory of quantum information, quantum many-body physics, high energy physics, and computer science
With one or more of the following experiences would be a very strong plus:
• Quantum information theory, quantum error correction, and fault-tolerant quantum computation
• Analytic or numerical methods of quantum many-body systems
• Quantum field theory and Lattice gauge theory
Appointments will be made with a 2-year initial contract, renewable up to 3 years depending on the performance. The initial salary is 300,000 Chinese Yuan per year for regular positions, and a salary increase or bonus is possible at the end of each year based on the performance. Highly qualified candidates will be recommended as Postdoctoral Fellows at Tsinghua University or Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences with negotiable salary.
How to apply:
One position has a deadline of August 31st, corresponding to the Tsinghua Fellowship application deadline. The second position remains open until it's filled. For the preliminary review, applicants should provide a Curriculum Vita with a publication list to Prof. Dong E. Liu The subject line of the email should be 'Postdoc-QC'.
2. PostDoc position: Topological device and topological quantum computation (available spring of 2024)
One postdoc position in the theory of mesoscopic and device physics for topological quantum computation are available in Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, beginning spring or summer of 2024. The successful candidate will be expected to perform theoretical and/or numerical studies in quantum transport, quantum control, qubit validation, noise analysis for mesoscopic topological systems and topologically protected Majorana qubit systems. The candidate will also be expected to work closely with experimentalists and analyze experimental data.
Required Qualifications
• PhD in theory of condensed matter physics and quantum device physics
With the 1-2 following experiences would be a very strong plus:
• Transport theory in Mesoscopic systems, e.g. quantum confined systems and superconductivity
• Superconducting qubits and circuit-QED
How to apply:
Appointments will be made with a 2-year initial contract, renewable up to 3 years depending on the performance and funding. The initial salary is 300,000 Chinese Yuan per year according to qualifications, and a salary increase or bonus is possible at the end of each year based on the performance. Highly qualified candidates will be recommended as Postdoctoral Fellows at Tsinghua University with negotiable salary.
For the preliminary review, applicants should provide a Curriculum Vita with a publication list to The subject line of the email should be 'Postdoc-QuanDev'. For more information and availability about the position, please contact Dong E. Liu.