The Institute of
Physics ( ) , Academia Sinica ( in
Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in areas
of biological physics, physics of active systems, soft matter, fluid dynamics
and complex systems. Such positions are for principal investigators and equivalent
to professors in universities. The recruitment is generally targeted at the
Assistant Research Fellow level, but candidates with exceptional qualifications
will be considered at higher ranks.
Academia Sinica is the prominent research institution in Taiwan. There are internal research funding, intramural research grant opportunities, and no obligation to teach. Our institute is committed to the pursuit of excellence in physics research, striving to provide a stimulating environment for researchers to ponder deep questions and innovative ideas, without the eminent stress of voluminous publication. The Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, has a strong research program in the field of biological physics and soft matter.
Currently, the group consists of nine faculty members. In-house facilities such as nano-fabrication, machine shop, advanced optical microscopes, rheometers and computing resources are managed within the institute. A host of specialized core facilities ( are also available on campus.
Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. degree in physics or related areas, and postdoctoral experience. She/he is expected to conduct independent research yet enjoy a collaborative environment, have good communication skills, and ready to be a leader in the respective community.
Application materials should be submitted via the Academic Jobs Online (, including (1) a cover letter describing major accomplishments, (2) curriculum vitae with a complete publication list, (3) representative journal publications, (4) future research directions and plans, and (5) at least three recommendation letters submitted directly by senior scientists via the Academic Jobs Online. The package should be completed by the deadline for review, but the recruitment continues until the positions are filled.