Tsinghua University, Institute for Advanced Study
Position ID:
Position Title:
Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at the IAS,Tsinghua University
Position Type:
Position Location:
Beijing, Beijing 100084, China
Subject Areas:
Appl Deadline:
2024/10/01 11:59PM
(posted 2023/11/09, listed until 2024/11/09)

Position Description:
*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Position Description
The Institute for Advanced Study at Tsinghua University (IASTU) is a research institute dedicated to theoretical studies of fundamental science. We sincerely invite applications for postdoctoral fellow positions in theoretical condensed matter physics, theoretical cold atom physics, and other related fields. Successful candidates are expected to undertake independent research or collaborate with other researchers at the IASTU. Postdoctoral fellows at the IASTU also have opportunities to visit other world-leading research institutes for international collaborations during their appointment term. Postdoctoral fellows are normally appointed to two years terms with possible extension of one more year. Outstanding applicants will be considered for Chen Ning Yang junior fellows at the IASTU who are expected to possess exceptional independent research ability and originality. C. N. Yang junior fellows are appointed to three years terms with possible extension of one more year. The number of C. N. Yang junior fellows at any one time is normally limited to three and usually one is chosen each academic year. For qualified applicants, their applications will also be considered for “Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program” (https://postdoctor.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/zxtz/2174). A candidate must have a Ph.D. prior to the start of the positions. Interested candidates are encouraged and invited to submit electronic application through https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/26559. Applications should include a CV with publication list, research statement or a summary of research interests, and contact details (including name, affiliation, and email address) of at least two references. Moreover, we would appreciate if applicants could indicate the names of one or more faculties in IASTU who best match research interests of applicants. Here is the list of relevant faculties in the IASTU: Jingyuan Chen, Yingfei Gu, Zheng Liu, Zhong Wang, Zheng-Yu Weng, Hong Yao, and Hui Zhai. This position receives applications before the summer of 2024. Early application will be considered first until all openings are filled. To learn more about the IASTU or the postdoctoral fellow positions, please visit the IASTU webpage https://www.ias.tsinghua.edu.cn/.Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
And anything else requested in the position description.
Further Info: