Fermilab, Award Programs
Award ID:
Award Title:
URA Early Career Award
Award Type:
Fellowship or award
Batavia, Illinois 60510, United States of America
Subject Areas:
Appl Deadline:
2024/04/16 11:59PM
* finished (2024/01/15, finished 2024/04/16, listed until 2024/07/15)


*** this award has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Overview Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) makes an award for outstanding work conducted by an early career researcher at Fermilab or benefiting the Fermilab scientific program. The award is presented during the annual Users' Meeting held at Fermilab in June. Eligibility All Ph.D. researchers at Fermilab or URA member institutions who are within six years of their initial appointment to a tenure-track or a Fermilab tenure-track equivalent position(*) as of the nomination deadline are eligible. Career breaks and time spent on family or medical leave will not be counted as part of the six-year period. The work for which the award is made must directly benefit a Fermilab experiment or accelerator project, or be performed in conjunction with Fermilab staff. The work may be experimental, theoretical, or a contribution to instrumentation, computing, or accelerator technologies. Nomination The nomination consists of: 1) Name and title of nominator. Candidates may nominate themselves for the Award. If not self-nominating, nominator should provide one of the letters of support. 2) Curriculum vitae for the candidate including a list of invited talks and showing initial tenure track position and year of appointment if different from current position. Please do not submit personally identifiable information such as birth date or social security number. If career breaks have been taken, please explicitly state the time periods. 3) A list of publications. 4) A list of outreach, mentoring and community engagement activities. 5) A written statement of no more than five pages from the candidate describing the research and demonstrating the nominee's scientific insight and creativity. The award is for the body of work by the researcher while in a tenure-track or a Fermilab tenure-track equivalent position. The research may be conducted in collaboration with others or as part of a larger project and may include several research projects or a single large research project. 6) No more than three letters of support from scientists or faculty familiar with the work. Letters should provide sufficient background such that the significance of the candidate's work can be understood by all members of the committee, including those who are not experts in the subfield of the candidate. 7) A brief statement (<250 words) stating the work's direct benefit to a Fermilab experiment or accelerator project, or with which Fermilab staff member(s) the work was performed. For any questions, please contact uraearlycareer@fnal.gov. Selection A committee appointed by the Fermilab Director will select the most outstanding work. The recipient is notified in May of the award year and is invited to present the work in a talk at the annual Fermilab Users' Meeting in June. The recipient of the award receives a certificate of recognition and a check for $10,000 from URA. All submissions must be complete by April 5th and all documents submitted using Academic Jobs Online (AJO) at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/27002. (*) At Fermilab, "tenure track equivalent" positions are Associate Scientist and the Wilson and Peoples fellowships.Nomination Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your nomination:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Mentoring & Outreach
- Benefit to Fermilab Statement
- Name and Title of Nominator
- Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
And anything else requested in the description.
Further Info:
312 996 2239
PO Box 500, MS 208
Batavia, IL 60510
Batavia, IL 60510