The Department of Physics at the University of Milano-Bicocca is expected to be able to fill a Postdoc position in high-energy theory, to start indicatively in Fall 2024.
The main scientific focus of the project will be on Higher-Order calculations in QCD and electroweak theory, Resummation and Monte Carlo event generation.
The research interests of the Theory Group at Milano-Bicocca & INFN cover a wide variety of subjects including Collider Phenomenology, String Theory, Statistical Physics, Lattice QCD and Cosmology. In total, there are currently 15 faculty members, 10 Postdocs and 10 Ph.D. students. The Phenomenology group’s main research lines focus on higher-order calculations, shower Monte Carlo and resummation. Close collaboration exists with the local CMS and LHCb experimental groups and with the Phenomenology group at the University of Milano.
The Postdoc position is funded for 3 years, the salary range is competitive and a travel allowance is also foreseen. Questions and expressions of interest can be submitted via email to .
Priority will be given to applications received before Jan 31, 2024. In addition to their CV, list of publications and three reference letters, applicants should supply a short summary of their research.
The University of Milano-Bicocca values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity. Therefore we would particularly welcome applications from the relevant group of potential candidates.