The PhD position is in the group of Prof. Dganit Meidan at Ben Gurion University, Israel. The group is part of the condensed matter theory group consisting of: Yevgeny Bar Lev, Doron Cohen, Eytan Grosfeld, Yigal Meir and Moshe Schechter.
The research focus is on open quantum system and monitored random circuits. In particular, the exploration of entanglement phase transitions and emergent dynamical topological phases using a combination of numerical and analytical tools.
The call is open for applicants holding a very good MSc degree in theoretical physics, experience in Python is desirable. The application should include a CV, at least one recommendation letter, a copy of university diploma with courses and grades.
Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
Curriculum Vitae
Publication list
university diploma
Reference letter (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site )
And anything else requested in the position description.