University of Stuttgart, Department of Mathematics - IMNG-mst

Position ID:
University of Stuttgart-IMNG-mst-RA [#27900]
Position Title: 
Post Doc in Mathematical Systems Theory
Position Type:
Position Location:
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg 70569, Germany
Subject Area: 
Mathematics / Mathematical Sciences
Appl Deadline:
2024/09/30 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2024/07/18, listed until 2024/09/30)
Position Description:

Your position as a Post Doc in Mathematical Systems Theory

You will be a member of Professor Carsten Scherer’s team and have sufficient freedom for your research in the area of mathematical systems theory or control engineering. One possible direction is the currently thriving topic of viewing optimization algorithms as dynamical systems. In this framework, an algorithm is a controller and techniques from control theory permit to design optimal algorithms for solving convex optimization problems. 

Your tasks

 Your profile 

We offer 

Please submit your application (motivation letter, curriculum vitae, transcript of records and degrees and the name of at least one reference) until the end of September 2024 via the JoinUS portal ( If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via

At the University of Stuttgart, we actively promote diversity among our employees. We have set ourselves the goal of recruiting more female scientists and employing more people with an international background, as well as people with disabilities. We are therefore particularly pleased to receive applications from such people. Regardless, we welcome any good application.

Women who apply will be given preferential consideration in areas in which they are underrepresented, provided they have the same aptitude, qualifications and professional performance. Severely disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be given priority.

As a certified family-friendly university, we support the compatibility of work and family, and of professional and private life in general, through various flexible modules. We have an employee health management system that has won several awards and offer our employees a wide range of continuing education programs. We are consistantly improving our accessibility. Our Welcome Center helps international scientists get started in Stuttgart. We support partners of new professors and managers with a dual-career program.

Information in accordance with Article 13 DS-GVO on the processing of applicant data can be found at

We are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please apply at external link.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Carsten W. Scherer, ++49 711 685 60025
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
Pfaffenwaldring 5a
D- 70569 Stuttgart
Web Page: