RIKEN, interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS)

2847 27914
Program ID:
Program Title: 
FY 2024 Call for RIKEN ECL Team / Unit Leaders (Sechi Kato Program)
Program Type:
Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Subject Area: 
All / Natural Sciences
Appl Deadline:
2024/09/18 11:00PMhelp popup (posted 2024/07/23, listed until 2024/09/26)

*** the listing date or deadline for this program has passed. ***
Call for RIKEN ECL Team/Unit Leaders (Sechi Kato Program) FY2024
RIKEN offers junior PI positions in RIKEN Early Career Leaders Program for highly talented women researchers.

Job title
•RIKEN ECL Team Leader (roughly equivalent to early career professor)
•RIKEN ECL Unit Leader (roughly equivalent to associate professor/assistant professor) 

Applicants should be women researchers who have appropriate knowledge, experience, and abilities to supervise and promote research.
•A doctoral degree or an equivalent competence is required for this position. 
•There is no age limit.
•Full-time appointment at RIKEN is assumed, but please contact us if you would like to make cross-appointments.

Research fields
Natural sciences (including mathematical science and information science) or research areas bordering/blending natural sciences with humanities and social sciences.

Research environment
•Annual research budget (amount supported by Sechi Kato Program)
Team Leader: an average of 40 million yen 
Unit Leader: an average of 20 million yen
Note: In addition to the annual research budget, initial expenses for a smooth lab start-up will be provided.
•RIKEN is actively undertaking initiatives to promote gender equality and diversity, and moving forward with the establishment of a diverse and vibrant research environment. As an all-RIKEN measure, a variety of programs are available for balancing work and personal life, including on-campus childcare facilities (in Wako, Yokohama, and Kobe), support for returning to work after a break, and subsidies for hiring support staff for researchers with family priorities (i.e., pregnancy, childcare, and nursing care).
•Please consult if you are interested in spousal hiring.

Start of employment
Between September 1, 2025, and April 1, 2026.

Term of employment
The maximum term of appointment is seven years. 

•The ECL Team Leader’s annual salary :10.92 million yen 
•The ECL Unit Leader’s annual salary :8.52 million yen 

•In principle, the ECL Team / Unit Leaders will have an opportunity to apply to undergo screening for indefinite-term PI positions in the fifth year of their service after appointment.
•The ECL Team / Unit Leaders who are promoted to universities or other institutes receive as much support as possible, including research budget to continue developing their research without interruption, while maintaining their collaboration with RIKEN.

•For applicant registration: September 19, 2024 (noon, Japan time) 
•For revising or uploading application documents and recommendation letters: September 26, 2024 (noon, Japan time) 

For more information and to apply, visit at the website below
https://www.riken.jp/en/careers/programs/riken_ecl/call2024/ ;

Contact information
RIKEN ECL Program Desk
Research Personnel Affairs Section, RIKEN

We are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please apply at https://rpass.riken.jp/hbf/ia/aa/aa01a/aa01a01frm.aspx?lang=2 external link.
Postal Mail:
Research Personnel Affairs Section
Human resources Division
Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, Saitama 351-0198
Web Page: https://www.riken.jp/en/careers/programs/riken_ecl/call2024/