The Pennsylvania State University, Chemistry

Position ID:
The Pennsylvania State University-Chemistry-TLF [#27929]
Position Title: 
Tenure-Line Faculty (Chemistry)
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, United States of America
Subject Area: 
Chemistry / all subdisciplinary areas of chemistry
Appl Deadline:
2024/09/15 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2024/07/30, updated 2024/07/24, listed until 2024/12/31)
Position Description:

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Position Description

The Department of Chemistry at The Pennsylvania State University seeks outstanding applicants for a tenure-line faculty position. Excellent candidates from all areas are encouraged to apply. Particular interest is in analytical, bioanalytical, materials, and inorganic chemistry. Both junior and senior candidates are encouraged to apply.

Candidates for Assistant Professor should have a Ph.D., a record of research accomplishments in a field relevant to the Department of Chemistry, an innovative future research plan that embraces collaboration and contributes new knowledge to the chemistry discipline, an ability to achieve teaching excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and be committed to fostering equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Candidates for Associate Professor should have a Ph.D., must have demonstrated excellence as a scholar and researcher in a field relevant to the Department of Chemistry and have an established reputation in scholarly or professional achievement. Duties will involve a combination of teaching, research, and service, based on the candidate’s qualifications.

Candidates for Professor should have a Ph.D., must have demonstrated excellence as a scholar and researcher in a field relevant to the Department of Chemistry and have evidence of a substantial record of advanced research as well as leadership in their field of specialization. Duties will involve a combination of teaching, research, and service, based on the candidate’s qualifications.

The Department of Chemistry at Penn State offers a stimulating environment that supports cutting-edge research in both traditional and interdisciplinary areas, including a 177,000 square foot chemistry research building on the University Park campus, excellent shared instrumentation facilities, and close interactions with the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences (, the Materials Research Institute (, the Institutes of Energy and the Environment (, and the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (

In addition to submitting the Academic Jobs Online application, which consists of a cover letter, current CV, one-page teaching statement, a one-page statement that describes past, present, and future plans to foster diversity and inclusivity, and a statement of research interests that includes a ~1 page summary and a ~10-page narrative of research plans, all applicants must also submit a Penn State application at . For more information on the Penn State Chemistry Department and the application process, visit Applicants will also need to arrange for three reference letters to be submitted to Academic Jobs Online.

Review of completed applications will begin on September 15, 2024, and the search will continue until the position is filled. Penn State Chemistry is responsive to the needs of dual career couples and welcomes applicants from a diversity of backgrounds, including women, underrepresented minorities, and those with non-traditional career paths.

Penn State University is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status (

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Teaching statement
  • One Page Diversity Statement
  • Three or more reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Chemistry
104 Chemistry Building
University Park, PA 16802