University of California Los Angeles, Structures-Computer Interaction Lab

Position ID:
University of California Los Angeles-Structures-Computer Interaction Lab-POSTDOCSOFTWARE [#27982]
Position Title: 
[UCLA] Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Mechanics, Computer Graphics, and Scientific Machine Learning
Position Type:
Position Location:
Los Angeles, California 90095, United States
Subject Areas: 
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering / Dynamics and Control
Machine Learning / Machine Learning
Computational Science and Engineering / Modeling and Simulation
Appl Deadline:
2024/08/31 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2024/08/02, listed until 2025/02/02)
Position Description:

The Structures-Computer Interaction Lab (PI: Prof. M. Khalid Jawed) has openings for multiple postdoctoral researchers.

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with a strong programming background (C/C++) and knowledge of computational mechanics in mechanical engineering or physically-based simulations in computer graphics. Candidates familiar with popular machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch will be given preference.

Visit this webpage for details on the open postdoctoral positions:

We are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please apply at external link.
Contact: Prof. M. Khalid Jawed
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
420 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Web Page: