Oregon Health & Science University, Vollum Institute

2472 28203
Position ID:
OHSU-Vollum-AP [#28203]
Position Title: 
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Portland, Oregon 97239, United States of America
Subject Area: 
Neuroscience / all
Salary Range:
Commensurate with education and experience
Appl Deadline:
2024/12/03 11:59PMhelp popup* (posted 2024/08/27)
Position Description:

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Position Description

The Vollum Institute is undergoing an exciting phase of growth and is seeking applicants to join our faculty. Applications will be accepted at junior and mid-career levels and should demonstrate a record of creativity and productivity in exploring fundamental questions in any area of neuroscience, including but not limited to development, structure, circuits/electrophysiology, and cell/molecular biology. 

Vollum appointments are full-time research positions within the Vollum Institute with minimal teaching or clinical requirements. Ample opportunities are available for collaboration with clinical units within the School of Medicine and additional research units at OHSU

The Vollum institute oversees the OHSU Neuroscience Graduate Program and supports a large postdoctoral community and staff, so we expect applicants to have a deep commitment to supporting the development and success of trainees at all career stages. We offer highly attractive start-up packages and a scientific environment that supports junior faculty through extensive mentoring. 

OHSU and the Vollum Institute is committed to growing and supporting diversity in its faculty, staff and trainees, creating an inclusive community for all scientists to thrive, and helping address faculty work/life issues, including dual career couples, single parents, and family caregivers. 

At the Vollum Institute, we are dedicated to developing the next generation of scientists. We recognize that quality mentorship is crucial for the success of our trainees and faculty alike; it cultivates a supportive and productive environment that inspires individual to reach their fullest potential. We are therefore seeking for colleagues who are superb mentors in addition to excellent scientists. We invite you to submit a one page overview of your mentorship philosophy. This is a guiding framework that outlines the values, principles, and approaches you will use as a mentor to support, develop, and inspire your mentees. It should include your vision for how you will approach mentorship, strategies you will use to create a supportive and productive learning environment, how you will tailor your guidance to meet the unique needs of each mentee, and how you might measure the success of your mentorship efforts. If applicable, you can include your prior experiences related to mentoring, highlighting specific examples and any outcomes of your efforts. 

Typical candidates will have a PhD and/or MD and postdoctoral experience, and should apply by submitting their curriculum vitae, a three-page (maximum) description of research plan and goals, a mentoring philosophy statement, and three letters of reference to Academic Jobs Online. Application reviews will begin September 15, 2024 with a priority deadline of October 7, 2024 (late applications will be considered, but could be at a disadvantage). 

We welcome prospective applicants to reach out to us to answer any questions. Please contact Marc Freeman, Director and Search Co-Chair, at freemmar@ohsu.edu or Gary Westbrook, Professor and Co-Chair at westbroo@ohsu.edu.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Mentoring Statement
  • Three to five reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Oregon Health & Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Portland, OR 97239