University of California, Davis, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Position ID:
Position Title:
Three Postdoctoral Positions in Experimental High Energy Physics at UC Davis
Position Type:
Position Location:
Davis, Geneva 95616, Switzerland
Subject Area:
Appl Deadline:
2025/03/31 11:59PM
(posted 2024/09/03)

Position Description:

Position Description
The experimental high energy physics group at the University of California, Davis invites applications for three postdoctoral research positions in experimental particle physics on the CMS experiment. The CMS group at UC Davis comprises four faculty (Profs. Chertok, Citron, Conway, Erbacher), one senior researcher, and a number of postdoctoral researchers and graduate students. The successful candidates will work under the supervision of Profs. Maxwell Chertok, John Conway, or Robin Erbacher, and play leading roles in the CMS forward pixel detector operations and in either the Inner Tracker or Outer Tracker HL-LHC upgrade project (2 positions), or within the endcap muon CSC and/or GEM detector subsystems, both on upgrades and operations (1 position). They will also drive CMS data analysis efforts on measurements and searches. The group has long experience and interest in developing advanced analysis techniques, such as particle tagging using jet substructure to identify highly boosted final state particles, and in searches with Higgs bosons, tau leptons, and related final states, all with an emphasis on utilizing AI/ML. It is anticipated that the work will be based at CERN and/or Fermilab for a major portion of the duration of the appointments. A Ph.D. in experimental high energy physics is required. The appointments are initially for two years and renewable annually, subject to mutual agreement. The positions are open immediately, and applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received, until all three positions are filled. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and statement of research interests and experience (maximum 3 pages), and arrange to have three letters of recommendation, all submitted online through Academic Jobs Online at UC Davis is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and particularly encourages applications from members of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy see: All inquiries should be directed to postdoc-cms-2024@ucdavis.eduApplication Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
Further Info:
One Shields Avenue
Physics Department
Davis, CA 95616
Physics Department
Davis, CA 95616