Ecole Normale Supérieure, Department of Physics

669 28676
Position ID:
ENS-Department of Physics-JRC1 [#28676]
Position Title: 
Junior Research Chair in Statistical Physics
Position Type:
Position Location:
Paris, Ile-de-France 75 005, France
Subject Areas: 
Appl Deadline:
2024/11/28 11:59PMhelp popup** withdrawn (posted 2024/10/04, updated 2024/10/02, listed until 2024/11/28)
Position Description:

PSL university is awarding two Junior Research Chairs as part of its research programme 'Statistical Physics and Mathematics'. This programme gathers physicists and mathematicians from three departments: 
  • CEREMADE at University Paris Dauphine – PSL,
  • Department of Mathematics and Applications at Ecole normale supérieure – PSL,
  • LPENS at Ecole normale supérieure – PSL. 
Further information about the programme and its permanent members may be found here: 

Requirements: A Ph.D. in Mathematics or Physics awarded before September 2025 and an established record of publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals or conferences.

Successful candidates will conduct their research within one of the three aforementioned departments, and will be given responsibilities about the scientific animation of the programme (e.g. leading a lecture group, organizing scientific events). The position is not associated with any teaching duties, although teaching is possible. Salary is competitive, the positions are for three years, and include a travel allowance and other benefits such as health insurance, unemployment insurance, and other statutory contributions as per French employment regulations.

The application shall include a research project including a brief description of how the candidate's project is related to research activities of the permanent members of the programme.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • CV including publication list
  • Summary of past research (max 5 pages)
  • Research project (max 5 pages)
  • Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Sarah Reemers
LabEx Manager
Département de Physique, Ecole normale supérieure
24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France