University of Arizona, Physics
Position ID:
Position Title:
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in theoretical nuclear physics
Position Type:
Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:
Tucson, Arizona 85721, United States of America
Subject Area:
Appl Deadline:
2024/11/18 11:59PM
(posted 2024/10/02, listed until 2025/04/02)

Position Description:
Position Description
The University of Arizona (UA) Physics Department invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in theoretical nuclear physics starting Fall 2025. The UA nuclear theory group pursues research ona variety of topics at the intersection between QCD and nuclear physics, including effective field theories and fundamental symmetries. The initial appointment is partially funded by the FRIB Theory Alliance. We seek a colleague who will establish a vigorous, independent research program that contributes strongly to FRIB Science: fundamental interactions in nuclei, nuclear structure and reactions, and their origins in the universe. Connections to quantum information and artificial intelligence/machine learning are of interest. [Duties and Responsibilities:] The successful candidate will have a proven track record in innovative research in theoretical nuclear physics. They will be expected to demonstrate excellence in teaching and service in the Physics Department, as well as to take proactive steps to improve diversity in our department and in the field of nuclear theory. [Minimum Qualifications:] Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Physics or a related field by the start date of the position. [Application:] Candidates should apply to the UA, an Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities/Women/Vets/Disabled, via and submit a cover letter with a description of research focus and teaching experience (1 page max.), a CV, a list of publications, a research statement including significant research accomplishments and plans for future research (3 pages max.), and a statement of teaching philosophy (2 pages max.). Please provide contact information for a minimum of three and a maximum of five professional references, who will be contacted afterwards. Application reviews will begin on Nov. 18, 2024. For more information, please contact Sean Fleming, spf@arizona.eduWe are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please apply at

- Contact: Sean Fleming, 520-626-4377
- Email:
- Postal Mail:
- 1118 E 4th Street, Tucson, AZ, 85721
- Web Page: